Lead up to Christmas

Breakfast with Santa at Baby Camp:

Making silly faces while waiting for Santa

Making silly faces while waiting for Santa

Aiden is waiting to talk to Santa (the one in the red vest)

Aiden is waiting to talk to Santa (the one in the red vest)

Court kept a safe distance from Santa.  He was very interested in Santa but didn't think it safe to get close.

Court kept a safe distance from Santa and hung back for selfies with Mom. He was very interested in Santa but didn’t think it safe to get close.

Singing songs with Santa

Singing songs with Santa

We convinced Court to pose for a photo with Santa as long as we used Aiden as a buffer.  The look on Court's face says not to trust that man with the beard.

We convinced Court to pose for a photo with Santa as long as we used Aiden as a buffer. The look on Court’s face says not to trust that man with the beard.

Gingerbread houses with Grandma Wolford:

I convinced Grandma to help make gingerbread houses with the boys and me.  Once I saw the mess we were making I was SO glad to have a second set of hands!! By the end, both boys were just squirting icing straight into their mouths - hilarious!

I convinced Grandma to help make gingerbread houses with the boys and me. Once I saw the mess we were making I was SO glad to have a second set of hands!! By the end, both boys were just squirting icing straight into their mouths – hilarious!

Court and Grandma's house

Court and Grandma’s house

Aiden and Mama's house

Aiden and Mama’s house


Dinner with the youth:


The youth group that Scott and Dave led a few years ago came to our house for a little reunion and dinner. There are all Sophomores in college now and such a wonderful group of young people. And man oh man, do those girls spoil my boys rotten!!!


Christmas with the Williams family:

The Sunday before Christmas, Bub and Pop hosted Pop's side of the family at their mountain house.  It was so great to see all the cousins playing so well together. Here are A and C playing with Dalton, Remedy, and Peyton.

The Sunday before Christmas, Bub and Pop hosted Pop’s side of the family at their mountain house. It was so great to see all the cousins playing so well together. Here are A and C playing with Dalton, Remedy, and Peyton.

Peyton just jumped right in to play with the boys new power tools!

Peyton just jumped right in to play with the boys new power tools!

The Polar Express:

I wanted to take Aiden and Court to ride the Polar Express at the Great Smoky Mountain Railroad in Bryson City, TN.  We even convinced Bub, Pop, and Kimmie to join!

I wanted to take Aiden and Court to ride the Polar Express at the Great Smoky Mountain Railroad in Bryson City, TN. We even convinced Bub, Pop, and Kimmie to join!

The boys got golden tickets just like in the book to ride the train

The boys got golden tickets just like in the book to ride the train

They took us through a whole town beautifully decorated like the North Pole with Santa Claus, Rudolph's house, the post office where all the letters to Santa come, Mr. and Mrs. Claus' house, etc.  It was so well done!

They took us through a whole town beautifully decorated like the North Pole with Santa Claus, Rudolph’s house, the post office where all the letters to Santa come, Mr. and Mrs. Claus’ house, etc. It was so well done!

We all wore pajamas - even Big One!

We all wore pajamas – even Big One!

Court LOVED the hot chocolate!

Court LOVED the hot chocolate!

And spilled said hot chocolate all over his shirt :)

And spilled said hot chocolate all over his shirt 🙂

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Santa even made an appearance on the train.

Santa even made an appearance on the train.

I was shocked that Court spoke with Santa and even took a sleigh bell from him without hiding behind me.  He was braver than he thought he could be!

I was shocked that Court spoke with Santa and even took a sleigh bell from him without hiding behind me. He was braver than he thought he could be!

2 thoughts on “Lead up to Christmas

  1. Such GREAT pictures!! I’ve always wanted to take Isabel on the Polar Express! So awesome ya’ll took that ride….how fun! Happy Happy New Year! Love you guys! Hope to see you in January!

  2. These are great – good to see Bruno is keeping “the youth” in line. He doesn’t put up with any shenanigans. That poor girl has no idea what she sat next to!

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