
Court is a little chatterbox these days.  You literally have to tell him to close his mouth or else it is nonstop talking all day long.  He also has my bad habit of gradually getting louder and louder and louder and louder! Recently, he his vocabulary has really picked up and he has us laughing hysterically.  Some funny things he said recently:

1.  “Mama, I am going to hug you so hard that your head pops off.”

2. After reading the Christmas Story, Court said, “Mama, the baby Jesus doesn’t want gold, frankincense, and myrrh. All he wants is a lullaby when he wants to go to sleep!”

3.  Whenever he wants to talk over us:  “Mama, I am so so sorry to interrupt you but this is really important.”

4.  “Mama, when are we going to the firetruck park again?  We haven’t been there in a LONG LONG LONG day!”

5.  When stepping in to the shower, “This water is so hot, it is burning my biscuits!”

I took Court for his first hot chocolate from Starbucks as a special treat.  He liked the hot chocolate but LOVED the whip cream :)

I took Court for his first hot chocolate from Starbucks as a special treat. He liked the hot chocolate but LOVED the whip cream 🙂

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