
Since I had to work on Thanksgiving day, Thanksgiving dinner was brought to us!  Grandma and Grandpa Wolford, Mike, Cara, Lindsay, Ryan, and Chris and Roger Watson (Cara’s parents) all came to our house for dinner.  Everyone brought their favorite dishes and desserts and Grandma Wolford fixed all of the rest!  The kids played together until they were all exhausted (and so were the adults)!  We are so blessed to have been spoiled with such delicious food but more than anything, we are thankful for each wonderful person in our family that we were able to celebrate with and all of those friends and family that we wished could have been there too.  Hope you all were as spoiled as we were!

Aunt Cara brought over some fun Thanksgiving games for the kids.

Aunt Cara brought over some fun Thanksgiving games for the kids.


I didn’t take a single photo but Grandpa Wolford got a few great ones! Thanks as always Grandpa!

Kids table

Fun at the Kids table!

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