
Court is a little chatterbox these days.  You literally have to tell him to close his mouth or else it is nonstop talking all day long.  He also has my bad habit of gradually getting louder and louder and louder and louder! Recently, he his vocabulary has really picked up and he has us laughing hysterically.  Some funny things he said recently:

1.  “Mama, I am going to hug you so hard that your head pops off.”

2. After reading the Christmas Story, Court said, “Mama, the baby Jesus doesn’t want gold, frankincense, and myrrh. All he wants is a lullaby when he wants to go to sleep!”

3.  Whenever he wants to talk over us:  “Mama, I am so so sorry to interrupt you but this is really important.”

4.  “Mama, when are we going to the firetruck park again?  We haven’t been there in a LONG LONG LONG day!”

5.  When stepping in to the shower, “This water is so hot, it is burning my biscuits!”

I took Court for his first hot chocolate from Starbucks as a special treat.  He liked the hot chocolate but LOVED the whip cream :)

I took Court for his first hot chocolate from Starbucks as a special treat. He liked the hot chocolate but LOVED the whip cream 🙂


I am proud to announce that on this past Saturday, 12/13/14, Aiden Williams scored his first basketball goal in a real game!  It was a trip to watch him.  I think it scared him when everyone jumped up and cheered for him. The first (and only) goal for his team that game.  They ended up with a tied ballgame but Aiden was pumped all the same.  He was cute and really shy about it the rest of the day.  I kept wanting him to tell people and he was almost embarrassed by the whole thing.  Hopefully, there will be more to come!

I didn't get any photos of the kid this weekend at basketball so you get a random photo of him at krispy kreme instead!

I didn’t get any photos of the kid this weekend at basketball so you get a random photo of him at krispy kreme instead!

The best basketball game ever

Aiden started his first basketball league this past Saturday at the YMCA.  Finally, he is old enough to play since he has been asking me to play forever!  His “games” involve a 40-minute practice session with drills and then a 20-minute game.  Coach Hill gave him a jersey with a #4 on it (Scott’s number when he played) and we knew it would be a success.  He LOVED every second.  He was focused, listened to everything that his coaches said, and even made a few baskets in practice.  During the game, he played some tough defense even though his team ended up losing two to nothing but he only touched the basketball once during the game.  So we’ll focus a bit more on offense, right?!  Maybe we can get some pointers somewhere!


I had to wrangle the jersey off him at the dinner table so he wouldn't spill any (more) spaghetti sauce on it - he wants to wear it FOREVER.

I had to wrangle the jersey off him at the dinner table so he wouldn’t spill any (more) spaghetti sauce on it – he wants to wear it FOREVER.

Opening prayer before game organizing a herd of cats.

Opening prayer before game time…like organizing a herd of cats.

Pre-game huddle

Pre-game huddle



Since I had to work on Thanksgiving day, Thanksgiving dinner was brought to us!  Grandma and Grandpa Wolford, Mike, Cara, Lindsay, Ryan, and Chris and Roger Watson (Cara’s parents) all came to our house for dinner.  Everyone brought their favorite dishes and desserts and Grandma Wolford fixed all of the rest!  The kids played together until they were all exhausted (and so were the adults)!  We are so blessed to have been spoiled with such delicious food but more than anything, we are thankful for each wonderful person in our family that we were able to celebrate with and all of those friends and family that we wished could have been there too.  Hope you all were as spoiled as we were!

Aunt Cara brought over some fun Thanksgiving games for the kids.

Aunt Cara brought over some fun Thanksgiving games for the kids.


I didn’t take a single photo but Grandpa Wolford got a few great ones! Thanks as always Grandpa!

Kids table

Fun at the Kids table!

Christmas time is here!

Most years, I feel like our family gradually warms into the Christmas spirit.  But this year, it seems we have jumped in with both feet.  The boys picked up our tree the day after Thanksgiving and we’ve been decking the halls ever since!

Aiden and Court's one and only ride in the GOAT for the year to pick up the Christmas tree.  They have been asking if it was time to get the tree (read: ride in the GOAT) since March!!

Aiden and Court’s one and only ride in the GOAT for the year to pick up the Christmas tree. They have been asking if it was time to get the tree (read: ride in the GOAT) since March!!

Annual silly photo in front of the pre-decorated tree

Annual silly photo in front of the undecorated tree

Aiden loved helping decorate the tree.  I told him to use the stepstool to get some branches higher up and the bottom two feet of the tree were completely barren of ornaments.  So Court got that job later in the day!

Aiden loved helping decorate the tree. I told him to use the stepstool to get some branches higher up.  So when he was done, the bottom two feet of the tree were completely barren of ornaments. So Court got that job later in the day!


Aiden's class took a trip to Santa's bag which is a fundraiser for the Children's Theater of Charlotte.  Each child writes out a list of people to purchase gifts for and brings money.  Then "elves" help them shop and wrap the gifts to they can surprise their family on Christmas day - brilliant!

Aiden’s class took a trip to Santa’s bag which is a fundraiser for the Children’s Theater of Charlotte. Each child writes out a list of people to purchase gifts for and brings money. Then “elves” help them shop and wrap the gifts so they can surprise their family on Christmas day – brilliant! Aiden is pictured in too short pants once again – this boy is growing like a weed!!!

Aiden and his elf on a mission

Aiden and his elf on a mission

Miles, Aiden, Trey, Carter, and Tyler waiting to see Santa

Miles, Aiden, Trey, Carter, and Tyler waiting to see Santa

Santa Claus was also at Santa's bag.  Aiden practically ran up those steps!

Santa Claus was also at Santa’s bag. Aiden practically ran up those steps!

I told Aiden that he was going to see Santa so he could prepare one special thing to ask him for at Christmas.  He said he knew what it was but didn’t ever tell me.  So, he goes to sit on Santa’s lap.

Santa:  “What do you want for Christmas?”

Aiden (looking skeptically at Santa): “Are you real?”

Santa (stunned): “Don’t I look real?”

Aiden:  Pulls on Santa’s beard then shakes his head no.

Santa (looking skeptically at Aiden): “Have you been a good boy this year?”

Aiden:  “Oh yeah.”

Santa:  “Really” in a doubtful tone and then changing the subject, “What do you want for Christmas?”

Aiden (totally freezing up): “Um, um, um, all kinds of stuff”

Santa: “Anything special in particular?”

Aiden:  “Um, um, um, no. All kinds of stuff”

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