More fall photos

A few weekends ago, Scott and I took the boys on a day trip to SC’s Andrew Jackson’s State Park.  We biked around the lake, saw a huge black snake, fed some fish with nightcrawlers(caught none), took a big picnic lunch, napped in the grass, hiked through the woods and generally feel in love with the park.  Thanks Scott’s work wife, Rich, for the recommendation!

Playing "king of the mountain"

Playing “king of the mountain”

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Gotta love a family photo attempt :)

Gotta love a family photo attempt 🙂

Court in front of the Andrew Jackson monument

Court in front of the Andrew Jackson monument

On our hike, Aiden would hide in his camo.

On our hike, Aiden would hide in his camo.

Where did he go?

Where did he go?

And this is how we would find him!

And this is how we would find him!

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