Halloween 2014

Pumpkins!  Aiden's on the right (one painted red, one teenage mutant ninja turtle, and one scary face).  Court's on the left (one painted blue, one silly face, and one teenage mutant ninja turtle that seems to be bleeding from the mouth)

Pumpkins! Aiden’s on the right (one painted red, one teenage mutant ninja turtle, and one scary face). Court’s on the left (one painted blue, one silly face, and one teenage mutant ninja turtle that seems to be bleeding from the mouth)

Making scary faces

Making scary faces

The rehab therapists at work were Where's Waldo. Aiden as Wolverine (check out those claws!) and Court as Batman (sweet muscle chest!)

The rehab therapists at work were Where’s Waldo. Aiden as Wolverine (check out those claws!) and Court as Batman (sweet muscle chest!)

Scott NEVER dresses up on Halloween.  So when he came downstairs in full Wonder Woman garb, it almost brought tears to my eyes.  Don't know if I have ever been so proud to be his wife. He went to work like that AND to a Halloween party AND trick-or-treating!

Scott NEVER dresses up on Halloween. So when he came downstairs in full Wonder Woman garb, it almost brought tears to my eyes. Don’t know if I have ever been so proud to be his wife. He went to work like that AND to a Halloween party AND trick-or-treating!

Aiden and his class trick-or-treated in the Duke Energy Center since Bella's mom works there.  He has been drawing skyscrapers ever since!

Aiden and his class trick-or-treated in the Duke Energy Center since Bella’s mom works there. He has been drawing skyscrapers ever since!

Trick-or-treating in our neighborhood at Laina's house.

Trick-or-treating in our neighborhood at Laina’s house.

Court was wearing down at this point.  So Aiden and I went to our neighborhood haunted house!  Aidan's first!  We passed on the really scary parts but he said that he'll for sure go next year.  Court was NOT allowed to go. He is still having nightmares after Darth Vader made an appearance at gymnastics and he was absolutely terrified...to tears!

Court was wearing down at this point. So Aiden and I went to our neighborhood haunted house! Aiden’s first! We passed on the really scary parts but he said that he’ll for sure go next year. Court was NOT allowed to go. He is still having nightmares after Darth Vader made an appearance at gymnastics and he was absolutely terrified…to tears!

Family portrait at Baby William's first birthday party/Halloween party!

Family portrait at Baby William’s first birthday party/Halloween party!

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