Thanksgiving feasts

Over the past few days, the boys have been warming up for Thanksgiving day with their classmates.  They each had a Thanksgiving feast with parents and performed a few little songs before lunch.  There is also a little at home video concert performed for Big One.  FYI for the first video, Aiden is on the far left.  For the last video, Court is in the center kind of hiding behind one of his classmates until about mid-way where he is so excited, it is hard to miss his cheesy grin. Happy Thanksgiving!!

More fall photos

A few weekends ago, Scott and I took the boys on a day trip to SC’s Andrew Jackson’s State Park.  We biked around the lake, saw a huge black snake, fed some fish with nightcrawlers(caught none), took a big picnic lunch, napped in the grass, hiked through the woods and generally feel in love with the park.  Thanks Scott’s work wife, Rich, for the recommendation!

Playing "king of the mountain"

Playing “king of the mountain”

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Gotta love a family photo attempt :)

Gotta love a family photo attempt 🙂

Court in front of the Andrew Jackson monument

Court in front of the Andrew Jackson monument

On our hike, Aiden would hide in his camo.

On our hike, Aiden would hide in his camo.

Where did he go?

Where did he go?

And this is how we would find him!

And this is how we would find him!

Fall photos

A few weekends ago we went to fly kites with Grandma and Grandpa Wolford.  They had given Court these amazing kites for his birthday.  On a windy fall day, Grandpa got these wonderful photos.

A few weekends ago, Grandma and Grandpa Wolford took us to fly kites. They had given Court these amazing kites for his birthday. On this beautiful and windy fall day, Grandpa got these wonderful photos.

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And then we played a little freeze tag


The boys have found their stride and their speed with biking these days!

The boys have found their stride and their speed with biking these days!


The leaves are upon us but we don't mind jumping in them while we rake

The leaves are upon us but we don’t mind jumping in them while we rake





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This is our Aiden these days.  Thanks to the Newtons for the JMU camo shirt!

This is our Aiden these days. Thanks to the Newtons for the JMU camo shirt!

While the Mama is away, the boys will play

Over the weekend, I went to Raleigh and Chapel Hill to reunite with some of my best friends from college some of whom I have not seen in 7 years!  Joann came from London, Sarah from Birmingham, Kerry from Raleigh, and Mindi and I from Charlotte.  A wonderful weekend of memories, girly giggles, good food, and love.  I miss my girls already!!!


But while I was away, man oh man, did the boys PLAY!  Scott took the boys out to dinner at a fish camp (that I refuse to go to), to the Hibachi grill which we have never been to, to a Queens university volleyball game, to cut down trees at the house in the woods, and to Krispy Kreme.  Then on Sunday, Grandpa Wolford came into town and took Scott, Aiden, and Court to the Warbirds over Monroe. It’s a yearly airshow with military aircraft and it sounds amazing because the kids can’t stop talking about it!  And you can see why!!

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The set off a bunch of explosives on the other side of the field.  So of course, Court and Aiden have pretended to blow up our house everyday this week.

The set off a bunch of explosives on the other side of the field. So of course, Court and Aiden have pretended to blow up our house everyday this week.

Scott took Aiden on a ride in a real Huey!

Scott took Aiden on a ride in a real Huey!

Aiden clung to Scott for dear life as the Huey turned and did tricks.

Aiden clung to Scott for dear life as the Huey turned and did tricks.


The view from above

The view from above


Meanwhile, Court needed a nap half way through! Thanks for a wonderful Sunday Grandpa!

Meanwhile, Court needed a nap half way through! Thanks for a wonderful Sunday Grandpa!

Halloween 2014

Pumpkins!  Aiden's on the right (one painted red, one teenage mutant ninja turtle, and one scary face).  Court's on the left (one painted blue, one silly face, and one teenage mutant ninja turtle that seems to be bleeding from the mouth)

Pumpkins! Aiden’s on the right (one painted red, one teenage mutant ninja turtle, and one scary face). Court’s on the left (one painted blue, one silly face, and one teenage mutant ninja turtle that seems to be bleeding from the mouth)

Making scary faces

Making scary faces

The rehab therapists at work were Where's Waldo. Aiden as Wolverine (check out those claws!) and Court as Batman (sweet muscle chest!)

The rehab therapists at work were Where’s Waldo. Aiden as Wolverine (check out those claws!) and Court as Batman (sweet muscle chest!)

Scott NEVER dresses up on Halloween.  So when he came downstairs in full Wonder Woman garb, it almost brought tears to my eyes.  Don't know if I have ever been so proud to be his wife. He went to work like that AND to a Halloween party AND trick-or-treating!

Scott NEVER dresses up on Halloween. So when he came downstairs in full Wonder Woman garb, it almost brought tears to my eyes. Don’t know if I have ever been so proud to be his wife. He went to work like that AND to a Halloween party AND trick-or-treating!

Aiden and his class trick-or-treated in the Duke Energy Center since Bella's mom works there.  He has been drawing skyscrapers ever since!

Aiden and his class trick-or-treated in the Duke Energy Center since Bella’s mom works there. He has been drawing skyscrapers ever since!

Trick-or-treating in our neighborhood at Laina's house.

Trick-or-treating in our neighborhood at Laina’s house.

Court was wearing down at this point.  So Aiden and I went to our neighborhood haunted house!  Aidan's first!  We passed on the really scary parts but he said that he'll for sure go next year.  Court was NOT allowed to go. He is still having nightmares after Darth Vader made an appearance at gymnastics and he was absolutely tears!

Court was wearing down at this point. So Aiden and I went to our neighborhood haunted house! Aiden’s first! We passed on the really scary parts but he said that he’ll for sure go next year. Court was NOT allowed to go. He is still having nightmares after Darth Vader made an appearance at gymnastics and he was absolutely terrified…to tears!

Family portrait at Baby William's first birthday party/Halloween party!

Family portrait at Baby William’s first birthday party/Halloween party!

October celebrations

October is a busy month in this family – lots of reasons to celebrate.  So we combined a bunch together this year.  That way we all got to be with family in celebration of, well, all of the celebrations.  What a wonderful idea? Can we do this every year?!

Granny and Granddaddy's 65th wedding anniversary! We tried to surprise them but they figured it out anyway :)

Granny and Granddaddy’s 65th wedding anniversary! We tried to surprise them but they figured it out anyway 🙂

Congratulations!  Coconut cake to celebrate them.

Congratulations! Coconut cake to celebrate them.

Happy Birthday Aunt Cheryl!  I am still a little hungover from her cake! Yum!!

Happy Birthday Aunt Cheryl! I am still a little hungover from her cake! Sandy made some kind of orange chocolate liquor cake – sweet with a kick!

Happy Birthday to Aunt Kimmie too!  French silk pie for her.  Aunt Sandy really outdid herself on the desserts this year!

Happy Birthday to Aunt Kimmie too! French silk pie for her. Aunt Sandy really outdid herself on the desserts this year!

The whole crew at Uncle Larry and Aunt Sandy's restaurant, The Grovewood Cafe, which was delicious as always!

The whole crew at Uncle Larry and Aunt Sandy’s restaurant, The Grovewood Cafe, which was delicious as always!