Bruno is 9

Bruno turned 9 years old this month.  Aiden and Court decided they wanted to give Bruno some ham as a birthday present so I cut some up and made it into a number 9 shape.  Aiden then coined the term “ham nine.” We also got him a little doggie cupcake at the local pet store which we are pretty sure led to a vomit session later in the evening but I digress.  Although he has calmed down so much in the past few years, he still acts like a puppy 40% of the time and still wants to rip anyone’s face off if they get too close to me.  That’s our boy!  Good ole Bruno.

The "ham nine" and cupcake

The “ham nine” and cupcake

Aiden and Court helping blow out Bruno's candles

Aiden and Court helping blow out Bruno’s candles

The feast begins

The feast is over quickly



A few weeks ago, we finally convinced Granny and Granddaddy to spend a whole week with us in Charlotte.  They are busy people, especially in the summertime.  So, they put the garden on hold for a week and spent the week visiting with friends of theirs in Charlotte and hitting up Charlotte shopping spots (Granny for a dress and Granddaddy for greenhouse lights) while we were at work during the day.  Then in the afternoons, they were entertained by games with the kids (Aiden and Court finally let Granny win once!), swimming at the new house, helping cook dinner, and then reading to the boys every night before bed.  We ended the week by driving them up to Chapel Hill for Late Night with Roy to help bring in the basketball season.  It was so wonderful, I hope they decide to come again very soon!!!


Aiden showing G&G his tree climbing abilities

Aiden showing G&G his tree climbing abilities

Granddaddy coaching the boys on how to NOT fall off the brick wall

Granddaddy coaching the boys on how to NOT fall off the brick wall

G-daddy giving us a tutorial on the trees in our yard

G-daddy giving us a tutorial on the trees in our yard

At the pool.  A few minutes after this photo, Court jumped in deep water without his floats and I had to go in and save him.  So that was interesting.

At the pool. A few minutes after this photo, Court jumped in deep water without his floats and I had to go in and save him. So that was interesting.

At late night with Roy - the boys loved their glow sticks

At late night with Roy – the boys loved their glow sticks

This one was a ham the whole night, mohawk and all, until Pop put the microphone in front of his face and he folded like a wet paper towel and hit in Pop's legs.

This one was a ham the whole night, mohawk and all, until Pop put the microphone in front of his face.  He folded like a wet paper towel and hid in Pop’s legs.

If you really want to get a flavor of late night, the boys surprised everyone with their first video debut!

Bubba wasn't feeling well that weekend, so we got her the best medicine of all, snuggles from the Courtman!

Bubba wasn’t feeling well that weekend, so we got her the best medicine of all, snuggles from the Courtman!

Pig Pickin’ 2014

Sept 27, 2014: 106 people in our backyard along with a 90 lb pig named “Elvira” and 3 extra pork shoulders.  Two 30 something businessmen waking up at an ungodly hour of the day to play barbecue chef.   Those same men forgetting how to start a fire for about 30 minutes.  Distance travelers from Ohio, my Aunt and Uncle, Debbie and Allen Smith; Virginia, The Newton family; and Kansas, Jason Morris.  Perfect weather, 70 degrees and not a cloud in the sky.  Tons of kiddos with bubbles, corn hole, basketballs, soccer balls, paper airplanes, and lots of giggles. Tons of family, wonderful friends, great neighbors, barbecue, potluck sides, and a dessert buffet – does a fall Saturday get any better?!

Elvira in all her glory

Elvira in all her glory

Chatham with Scott and Charlie  in deep conversation about Elvira

Chatham with Scott and Charlie in deep conversation about Elvira

Chris and Ann Ripple with their adorable grandson, William

Chris and Ann Ripple with their adorable grandson, William


Aunt Debbie reminiscing on some old photo albums

Aunt Debbie reminiscing over some old photos

Pop and Court clowning around

Pop and Court clowning around

Grandma Wolford with Cara and Ryan

Grandma Wolford with Cara and Ryan

Ben and Aiden making some paper airplanes

Ben and Aiden making some paper airplanes



Go Sawyer Go!

Go Sawyer Go!




Scott got a little assistance chopping the BBQ from Uncle Allen

Scott got a little assistance chopping the BBQ from Uncle Allen

Crazy Court and his mama

Crazy Court and his mama

Those sweet Newton girls are such a good influence on Aiden and Court

Those sweet Newton girls are such a good influence on Aiden and Court

Granny and Granddaddy make their way through the buffet

Granny and Granddaddy make their way through the buffet

Aiden and Court scarfing down some food with Jeana, Kieran, and Finley Bruchs

Aiden and Court scarfing down some food with Jeana, Kieran, and Finley Bruchs

Helen multitasking the lawn mower and ladder golf

Helen multitasking the lawn mower and ladder golf

Pop and Aiden in a fierce game of corn hole

Pop and Aiden in a fierce game of corn hole




I have no idea what just happened in this photo but it was BIG whatever it was!

I have no idea what just happened in this photo but it was BIG whatever it was!

Jocelyn and Sawyer

Jocelyn and Sawyer

Pig poppers were a riot for this kid

Pig poppers were a riot for this kid

Ben Frederick's table creation

Ben Frederick’s table creation

Jenn and Jess with babies Sawyer and McKenzie

Jenn and Jess with babies Sawyer and McKenzie

Future marriage?

Future marriage?

Baby McKenzie had enough partying for one day

Baby McKenzie had enough partying for one day and found a heavenly spot on Jen Newton’s shoulder

Baby Williams fell asleep on the swing - so sweet!

Baby William fell asleep on the swing – so sweet!  We’ve had enough for one year and can’t wait for 2015!

Thanks to Grandpa Wolford for all the pictures 🙂

September catch up

So I am a little behind on the blog.  With all of the pig pickin preparations, I got a little bit behind.  So I am going to try to catch you up on the month of September (except for the Pig Pickin which deserves a post of it’s own):

At the beginning of September, Aiden, Court, Bruno, and I made a trip to Grandma’s house.  It was her birthday and Scott was running in the Blue Ridge Relay (200+ mile team running race staring in VA) which ended in Asheville so it worked out perfectly. The boys had a blast at Grandma’s house – making her a birthday cake, playing with Mike and my old toys from the 70s and 80s, trying to catch a glimpse of Cami or Gracie (Mom’s two long hair cats who are at least triple the size of little Bruno), and playing in their huge yard.  Everytime I head up there, I seem to exhale a little…the mountains welcoming me home I guess.

Happy Birthday to Grandma!

Happy Birthday to Grandma!

In her little gift bag are a bunch of kitchen gadgets (Mom is the QUEEN of kitchen gadgets!!)

In her little gift bag are a bunch of kitchen gadgets (Mom is the QUEEN of kitchen gadgets!!)

Connect 4!

Connect 4!

Scott’s relay race went well with no injuries (to him anyway).  One of his teammates did end up in the hospital but he’s alright.  Puts things in perspective, doesn’t it?  And while said teamy was spending the night in the hospital, Scott (AKA Easy Rings) was sleeping on top of a van that was luckily not moving at the time.


We spent our last night of the weekend at Bub and Pop’s mountain house (since Scott is deathly allergic to said cats) with Granny and Granddaddy.  It warms my heart to see Aiden and Court with their Great Grandparents, what a blessing to have them so close to us.


We chased rainbows


We convinced Granddaddy to read lots of stories!


And Court got spoiled celebrating his birthday

The next weekend, Grandpa Wolford took Scott and me along with cousin Ryan, Aiden, and Court to our first drag race.  It was SO LOUD and the boys loved it!  Except for maybe Ryan, who was a little nervous about all the racket.  At least it was short lived since they finish each race in just a few seconds.  My favorite memory from the day was when a parachuter brought in the flag during the National Anthem to start the race.  Court looked up in the sky and said, “Is that God?”  The lady behind us about fell over laughing.


The kids look like we dragged them there kicking and screaming but they loved every minute.



Amazed by the best remote control cars ever.



Court now enjoys wearing his ear protectors occasionally around the house. You never know when the scissors are going to get noisy. He says, “Mama, I need to protect my ears. It’s youd”

At some point, Bruno got a strange stomach bug and started sleeping in strange places.


We introduced our friend, Kieran, to the new tractor (without any blades for mowing, don’t worry)


And the boys started swimming lessons!

Court and his teacher, Coach Lisa.

Court and his teacher, Coach Lisa.