The house in the woods

On August 15th, we accidentally bought a new house.  It will certainly be bittersweet to leave “The Money Pit.”  We weren’t on the market for a new house other than Scott had been interested in investing to flip a house with a buddy of his.  So I browsed the website after he got done looking one night just to see how much a house with a few acres of land around us would cost…just for kicks.  We found a house that had been on the market for over a year, estate-type sale, that was much more reasonably priced than we anticipated and just happened to be having an open house that next Sunday.  So we went, again just for kicks.  I wouldn’t say we fell in love with the house because it definitely needs some updating – picture pastel pink and blue toilets, window treatments on the showers, elaborate (read: gaudy chandeliers), parquet flooring, salmon colored carpet, etc etc.  But it has potential or “opportunity” as our realtor and good friend, Joe Rempson puts it 🙂  But we did fall in love with the beautiful 4 acre lot that that house in on.  We gave our best offer and they took it!  I looked at Scott and said, “Holy crap, we just bought a house!”  It is only about 3 miles further from work than where we live now.  When we took Aiden and Court to see it for the first time, they just started running.   We didn’t tell them to.  They didn’t ask.  They just saw all that open grass and started running.  So it’ll be our new home (whenever the renovations are completed…which haven’t even started might I add).  Money pit #2?  Absolutely!  But the boys helped name it the house in the woods which is the title of a book they have.  It seems appropriate because there are trees all over the property and even some woods in the back yard.  So there you go, new digs.

Toasting our new house at our celebration dinner after closing

Toasting our new house at our celebration dinner after closing

Pizza was the cuisine of choice of the boys, of course

Pizza was the cuisine of choice of the boys, of course

Scott's new favorite toy - the new tractor!

Scott’s new favorite toy – the new tractor!

Bruno and Jake August 30 004

There is a long driveway where the boys love to ride bikes.

Bruno and Jake August 30 010

The love to climb the trees in the yard

The love to climb the trees in the yard


Did I mention the pool? And a diving board with a huge crack…details, details…

We are trying to get as many swims in as possible before it gets too cold!

We are trying to get as many swims in as possible before it gets too cold!

Scott has been entertaining the boys with funny pool tricks.

Scott has been entertaining the boys with funny pool tricks.

Here’s to yet another Williams family adventure!!!

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