Court’s birthday party

I guess it is becoming a trend in our family to have a pool party for your 3rd birthday.  Court chose to have his birthday party this year at Ray’s Splash Planet (just like Aiden did on his 3rd).  It was super crowded and kinda crazy but also super crazy fun! Court had invited some family and some friends to join him for some splash time and some cake time.  He chose to have a planes theme because he is obsessed with Disney Planes right now.  We had planes invitations, decorations, and a planes cake.  Good times all around. Thanks to everyone who was able to come and especially to all those who helped – especially Aunt Kimmie and Grandpa Wolford who carried a LOT of goodies to/from the car.  And a big thanks of course to Grandpa who was event photographer for all these wonderful photos below…because I didn’t take a singe one all day long!

This year, I tried to keep my cake baking simple.  Couldn't wrap my head around how to make an airplane shaped cake?

This year, I tried to keep my cake baking simple. Couldn’t wrap my head around how to make an airplane shaped cake? A few drops of blue food coloring, a few toy airplanes and a little marshmallow fluff and voile! 

Aiden on the slide

Aiden on the slide

Cousin Ryan on the slide

Cousin Ryan on the slide

The birthday boy on the slide!

The birthday boy on the slide!

"Uncle" Dave and baby Mackenzie

“Uncle” Dave and baby Mackenzie

Everyone loves a lazy river

Everyone loves a lazy river

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Aunt Cara and Ryan

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Court and Tucker, who loved the water park

Court and Tucker, who loved the water park

Aiden, Court, and Tucker were the three musketeers by the end of the afternoon

Aiden, Court, and Tucker were the three musketeers by the end of the afternoon

Court and Sadie excited about something :)

Court and Sadie excited about something 🙂

Court was honored to host baby Mackenzie at her FIRST birthday party

Court was honored to host baby Mackenzie at her FIRST birthday party

Aunt Kimmie and baby Mackenzie rocking the party hat

Aunt Kimmie and baby Mackenzie rocking the party hat

Happy Birthday to Court

Happy Birthday to Court

Make a wish!

Make a wish!

His favorite  - chocolate!

His favorite – chocolate!

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