Preschool triathlon

This past weekend, Aiden completed his second pre-school triathlon.  Luckily, Bubba was in town to see it this time.  Aiden had a blast and we all had a good laugh watching him enjoy every second.  He was pumped and ready to go. He waved to his fans and smiled through the entire thing.  This day is easily one of my favorite days of the year because watching him so happily be active, brave, and be proud of himself at the finish line is just magnificent.


All body marked and ready to go

All body marked and ready to go

Showing those muscles

Showing those muscles with his new Red Sox necklace from Grandpa that he adores


Court and Bubba made an excellent cheering section.

Court and Bubba made an excellent cheering section.

Ready, set, go!

Ready, set, go!

Aiden smiled the whole way through the entire tri.

Aiden smiled the whole way through the entire tri.


To the bike transition.

To the bike transition.


Coach Big One in the background

Coach Big One in the background


Aiden was so excited about the run that he forgot to take his helmet off in the transition area and tried to run off with it still on.

Aiden was so excited about the run that he forgot to take his helmet off in the transition area and tried to run off with it still on.

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The medal.  Somehow Aiden thinks he got second place even though they all started at different times and no one had a watch :)

The medal. Somehow Aiden thinks he got second place even though they all started at different times and no one had a watch 🙂

At the end with his friend, Trey from preschool.

At the end with his friend, Trey from preschool.

A celebration afterwards at Krispy Kreme!

A celebration afterwards at Krispy Kreme!

Court was very excited about the after party.

Court was very excited about the after party.

2 thoughts on “Preschool triathlon

  1. I LOVE this! I bet Aiden did better at the swim than I did during my tri years ago!!! Wish they had something like this for my kiddos…or maybe we’ll just have to come back there next year so Ryan can sign up and do it too!

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