Father’s Day

One thing that I am continually thankful for is all of the wonderful men in our lives, more specifically in my sons’ lives.  We have some pretty wonderful Dads in our family.  They teach Aiden and Court how to be silly, wrestle, make ramps for their remote control cars, shoot a basketball, hit a baseball, and all of those stereotypical boy things.  But they also teach my boys how to be a good people, how to take care of others, and how to be a good man in this world.  Thank you to Grandpa Wolford, Uncle Mike, Granddaddy, Pop, and of course our very own Big One.  We love you all so much!

Cinnamon rolls in bed is a great way to start off Father's Day

Cinnamon rolls in bed is a great way to start off Father’s Day

Aiden all ready for church with his badge of honor from getting a bit too rowdy with Big One.

Aiden all ready for church with his badge of honor from getting a bit too rowdy with Big One.

Court never wants to take off his work gloves...just like his Daddy.

Court never wants to take off his work gloves…just like his Daddy.

Happy Father's Day to the best Big One in the whole wide world...and probably the only one too!

Happy Father’s Day to the best Big One in the whole wide world…and probably the only one too!


Aiden begged and begged to play t-ball this year.  Unfortunately, the only place in our area he could play this year was the YMCA t-ball clinic.  It was alright.  We were kind of hoping for uniforms and a real game type setting but he did learn quite a lot over the course of the class.  Our good friend, Joe Rempson, asked Aiden today if he had fun in t-ball this year.  Aiden replied, “No, because it lasted for 30 weeks!”  So maybe he didn’t LOVE it. But he finished it out and got a trophy for all of his hard work (even though he didn’t play one single game the entire time).  I had to convince him many a day to finish it out because he’s not a quitter and that whole thing.  But at last, he finally did it after 30 long weeks (or maybe just 6).




The t-ball motley crew. Coach Tom in the middle and Aiden on the far right.


First June weekend

Three very important events occurred during the first full weekend in June of this year.

1.  Aiden had his triathlon (already documented on blog)

2. Bubba had a birthday!  She was even in town to celebrate.  We originally thought we’d have to have a makeshift birthday lunch on Saturday but plans changed and we got to celebrate her entire birthday with her!  Unfortunately, she was feeling a bit under the weather.  But we celebrated as best we could and the boys loved every second of getting to share her special day with her.  Big birthday breakfast, riding bikes at the playground, taking walks with Pop, and helping make/eat Bubba’s cake too!  Happy Birthday to the best Bubba in all of the land!

3.  The Dance Spot had it’s world premiere dance recital.  Aunt Kimmie’s new dance studio in Huntersville, The Dance Spot, held it’s first ever dance recital and I will just say that it was a success.  I helped entertain/wrangle kids backstage while Kimmie put on a flawless recital at the Belk theater at UNC Charlotte.  I have never really seen Kimmie at work and she is impressive.  She is organized, direct (in a good way), and all of those dancers look up to her so much – asking her about everything from dance positions, musical cues, to hair bows! We were so proud of her – way to go Kimmie!

Snuggles with Pop after nap time

Snuggles with Pop after nap time

The boys first ever "kids table" at our house

The boys first ever “kids table” at our house

Bubba's birthday dinner

Bubba’s birthday dinner

Make a wish!

Make a wish!

And beautiful new earrings!

Opening her beautiful new earrings!

The Epps are back in town

Our good friends, Tyler and Melissa Epp came in town from Kansas City while en route to their beach vacation.  We knew they had a million people to see while in town so we had a barbecue at our house for them to visit with lots of friends at once.  It was wonderful to meet their sweet little daughter Malone (1 years old) who cried every time Melissa walked away – so sweet! That little girl loves her mama!  It always brings a smile to my face to see our friends’  children playing together and there was lots of that!  Aiden and Court went wild with Ben and Carson Frederick in town!  They loved every minute.  We just want to know when the Epps are moving back to Charlotte already?!!!

Melissa holding Malone. What beautiful ladies!

Melissa holding Malone. What beautiful ladies!

Charlie with Williams and Dave with Mackenzie in their NC shirts

Charlie with William and Dave with Mackenzie in their NC shirts

Jocelyn brought all the new babies UNC shirts to model! From L to R: Brad with Sawyer, Tyler with Malone, Charlie with William and Dave with McKenzie

Jocelyn brought all the new babies UNC basketball shirts to model! From L to R: Brad with Sawyer, Tyler with Malone, Charlie with William and Dave with McKenzie

Aiden and Court wanted a turn showing off Mckenzie

Aiden and Court wanted a turn showing off Mckenzie

When are The Epps moving back to Charlotte?!

So great to see the Epp family again! Hope to see you soon!!

Preschool triathlon

This past weekend, Aiden completed his second pre-school triathlon.  Luckily, Bubba was in town to see it this time.  Aiden had a blast and we all had a good laugh watching him enjoy every second.  He was pumped and ready to go. He waved to his fans and smiled through the entire thing.  This day is easily one of my favorite days of the year because watching him so happily be active, brave, and be proud of himself at the finish line is just magnificent.


All body marked and ready to go

All body marked and ready to go

Showing those muscles

Showing those muscles with his new Red Sox necklace from Grandpa that he adores


Court and Bubba made an excellent cheering section.

Court and Bubba made an excellent cheering section.

Ready, set, go!

Ready, set, go!

Aiden smiled the whole way through the entire tri.

Aiden smiled the whole way through the entire tri.


To the bike transition.

To the bike transition.


Coach Big One in the background

Coach Big One in the background


Aiden was so excited about the run that he forgot to take his helmet off in the transition area and tried to run off with it still on.

Aiden was so excited about the run that he forgot to take his helmet off in the transition area and tried to run off with it still on.

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The medal.  Somehow Aiden thinks he got second place even though they all started at different times and no one had a watch :)

The medal. Somehow Aiden thinks he got second place even though they all started at different times and no one had a watch 🙂

At the end with his friend, Trey from preschool.

At the end with his friend, Trey from preschool.

A celebration afterwards at Krispy Kreme!

A celebration afterwards at Krispy Kreme!

Court was very excited about the after party.

Court was very excited about the after party.

Memorial Day Fun

I had to work over Memorial Day weekend.  But we sure made the best of it!  Friday evening, we took Ryan and Aunt Cara to the Charlotte Knights game to celebrate Ryan’s birthday with a little minor league baseball.  Then, Scott took Aiden and Court strawberry picking on Saturday.  We brought out our Christmas prezie to play with on Sunday.  And Scott took the boys to the Lazy 5 Ranch to feed animals on Monday.  We finished out the weekend in Memorial Day fashion with a cookout here at home.  At one point, I tried to explain to Aiden and Court why we celebrate Memorial Day.  Not sure they really got it.  But when we said our prayers that night, we all said a thank you to the soldiers who have fought for us to be free to do baseball games, zoos, and strawberry picking.

Happy 4th birthday Ryan!!!  He is really the sweetest boy I know.  He is so thankful for every little thing in his life and is just so happy all the time. What a wonderful nephew!

Happy 4th birthday Ryan!!! He is really the sweetest boy I know. He is so thankful for every little thing in his life and is just so happy all the time. What a wonderful nephew!

On a hayride at the strawberry patch

On a hayride at the strawberry patch

Court picked the least strawberries but ate the most.  Then we made jam! Granny would be so proud!

Court picked the least strawberries but ate the most. Then we made jam! Granny would be so proud!

We finally got to try out  the boys' Christmas gift from last year (on ultra clearance at Target after summer - score!)

We finally got to try out the boys’ Christmas gift from last year (on ultra clearance at Target after summer – score!)

And somewhere in there, the boys got a haircut!

And somewhere in there, the boys got a haircut!