Last Bobcats game EVER

We unknowingly were witness to the very last Charlotte Bobcats game ever.  Big part of history, I know.  Next year, the team will change their name back to the Charlotte Hornets.   Scott got us last minute tickets to the Bobcats playoff game against the Heat through his childhood friend, Jeff.  Sadly, the Bobcats lost but at least we made the playoffs 🙂  We had an absolute blast!  We let the boys stay up WAY past their bedtime, eat an enormous ice cream sundae after pizza for dinner, and shake their shakers while dancing to their hearts content; it was wonderful!  It was Court’s first game and he quickly became obsessed with the mascot, Rufus.  Aiden has only been to two Bobcats games in his life. The first one was with Pop when he sat in seats on the floor, literally, the front row.  His second and last game was sitting in literally THE last row in the stadium.  That’ll teach him to ask us for basketball tickets!

Aiden with his shakers...and no one around to hit in the face!

Aiden with his shakers…and no one around to hit in the face!

Notice the stadium wall behind us.  But for us, they were the best seats in the house!

Notice the stadium wall behind us. But for us, they were the best seats in the house!

Court must have seen Rufus

Court must have seen Rufus

Bye bye Bobcats

Bye bye Bobcats