While Scott’s away, Grandma comes to play

Last week, Scott was out of town on business (AKA eating curries all through the city of London and visiting our best London friends, JoAttLotte – short for JoAnn, Matt, and Charlotte Etherington).  But that’s neither here nor there.  So Grandma Wolford came to keep us company!  She kept us busy too!  When I got the boys home on Monday afternoon, she had baked cupcakes in ice cream cones and set the boys up to decorate their treats! YUM! Then she and I went to Ikea on Tuesday for a little mother/daughter bonding over housewares.  We had so much fun browsing around that huge place.  She and the boys played tic-tac-toe until I thought her iPad would break and she read them about a thousand stories.  It was great to have you here as always Grandma!

Watching the airplanes take off at the airport overlook after we dropped Big One off for his flight.

Watching the airplanes take off at the airport overlook after we dropped Big One off for his flight.

Court got the takeoff sounds down pat.

Court got the takeoff sounds down pat.

Aiden could have stayed there for hours.

Aiden could have stayed there for hours.

This was the one they deemed "Daddy's plane."

This was the one they deemed “Daddy’s plane.”

Cupcake cones!

Cupcake cones!

A little game of Raccoon Rumpus before dinner.

A little game of Raccoon Rumpus before dinner.

One thought on “While Scott’s away, Grandma comes to play

  1. We loved taking care of Big One and helping him drink smoothies and eat curry! I have to say, though, those ice cream cakes look good enough to tempt me over for a visit! Congrats on the Triathlon, and hugs to the boys. Love, JoAttLotte

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