Big One’s Birthday

On April 15th, our Big One had a birthday.  I surprised Scott with a massage and met him at the spa for lunch by their pool.  It was very luxurious.  The boys and I tried to continue the pampering with a big birthday dinner (as evidenced by our fancy attire at the dinner table) with his favorite birthday meal and red velvet cake for dessert.  To us, Big One is a pretty impressive 37 year old.  He’s probably in the best running shape of his life, continues to get bonus award trips at work for how hard he pushes himself, and continually surprises me with how handy he is around the house.  He is never content to just sit back and watch the world go by without him. He is constantly looking for new and interesting ways to challenge himself.  He is always surprising the boys and me, like recently when he got off work early and surprised while we were at the grocery store just so he steal the boys away and take them to play soccer at the park before dinnertime.  He is a wonderful role model for Aiden and Court and I’m so content to just sit back and ride this adventure called life with him.  So here’s to Big One! Happy Birthday! We love you!


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