Grandparents Wolford

Grandma and Grandpa came into town for a visit last weekend. Scott was away at a race on Saturday for most of the day and he was gone all day on Sunday to go to the Masters, so it was great to have them around to keep me company!  Thanks for all the entertainment Grandma and Grandpa!  We miss you already!!

Court loves snuggling with Grandma

Court loves snuggling with Grandma

Grandpa teaching Aiden about the benefits of sharing

Grandpa teaching Aiden about the benefits of sharing

Grandma and Grandpa never come to our house empty handed. There is always a new book to read!

Grandma and Grandpa never come to our house empty handed. There is always a new book to read!

After Scott got home, he and Grandpa took the boys to watch a bicycle race uptown.  The Budweiser cleidsdales were there!

After Scott got home, he and Grandpa took the boys to watch a bicycle race uptown. The Budweiser clydesdales were there!

Apparently, the boys were very excited about the race.  They jumped up and down clapping almost the whole time.

Apparently, the boys were very excited about the race. They jumped up and down clapping the whole time. Just not in this photo 🙂

And they even got to tour the firetruck!

And they even got to tour the firetruck!

Great to see you Grandma and Grandpa!

Thanks for coming! We love you Grandma and Grandpa!

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