Easter preparations

We’ve been hunting Easter eggs around here like it’s our job in preparation for the big day.  We even recruited help from our good friends, Kieran, Finley (who just turned one!), and Jeana.  We boiled eggs, decorated eggs, dyed eggs, hunted eggs, and definitely dropped a few in the process.  I think we’re ready!

Look at those beauties!

Look at those beauties!


Very proud of their haul

Very proud of their haul

Court, Kieran, Finley, and Aiden.  This was Finley's first time to participate in our annual egg hunt! He only needed to get one and then he was a happy boy!

Court, Kieran, Finley, and Aiden. This was Finley’s first time to participate in our annual egg hunt! He only needed to get one and then he was a happy boy!


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