Christmas time is here

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas around these parts.

Aiden met Santa Claus at the children's library uptown.  Told that jolly old elf that he wants a remote control monster truck

Aiden met Santa Claus at the children’s library uptown. Told that jolly old elf that he wants a remote control monster truck

Then Court met Santa at Discovery Place.  Didn't tell him anything as his thumb was stuck in his mouth but did give him a high five.

Then Court met Santa at Discovery Place. Didn’t tell him anything as his thumb was stuck in his mouth but did give him a high five.

Before the kids first movie at Discovery Place - The Polar Express.

Before the kids first movie at Discovery Place – The Polar Express.

They even had a pajama story time to read The Polar Express before the movie started.

They even had a pajama story time to read The Polar Express before the movie started.

Court took a little nap...

Court took a little nap…

…but then rallied with snacks!  The boys sat through the whole movie and didn't say a word - they were amazed by the Imax experience.

…but then rallied with snacks! The boys sat through the whole movie and didn’t say a word – they were amazed by the Imax experience.

Bagels in pajamas

Bagels in pajamas

Christmas pajamas no less!

Christmas pajamas no less!

Winston is making his rounds and reporting to Santa.

Winston is making his rounds and reporting to Santa.

Christmas cookies were made...

Christmas cookies were made…

…and then eaten!  These wreaths were the best.

…and then eaten! These wreaths were the best.

Breakfast with Santa at Baby Camp.

Breakfast with Santa at Baby Camp.

Anytime Court sees Santa, he screams out "Tanta Cause!"

Anytime Court sees Santa, he screams out “Tanta Cause!”

Aiden sang along with the Christmas carrols and even sang some of Feliz Navidad in Spanish.  I was impressed because I only know two words to that song.  You can guess which ones.

Aiden sang along with the Christmas carrols and even sang some of Feliz Navidad in Spanish. I was impressed because I only know two words to that song. You can guess which ones.

Hope everyone is having a happy holiday season!

Hope everyone is having a happy holiday season!

Grandma Coulson

My Grandma Coulson passed away one week before Thanksgiving.  Grandma Coulson has been sick for some time and now she is sitting up in heaven with Grandpa, drinking coffee, eating ice cream, and watching over all of us. My Mom and Aunt Debbie say that Grandpa has been jingling his keys waiting for her there for some time now.  That’s what he always did to let her know he was ready to go somewhere.  It’s always hard to say goodbye but nice to remember the good times as well.  This is one of my favorite photos of her.  Miss you and love you Grandma!

Grandma coulson

Thanksgiving 2013

This year, we were lucky enough to have Grandma and Grandpa Wolford, Aunt Cara, Uncle Mike, Cousins Ryan and Lindsay, and Cara’s parents Chris and Roger Watson join us for Thanksgiving.  Since I had to work Thanksgiving day, Scott and Grandpa Wolford entertained the boys (including a Turkey trot in 20 degree weather!) and Grandma Wolford cooked a feast!  Once Cara and Chris added their famous stuffing and pumpkin bars, the meal was complete.  Dinner was delicious and the company was fabulous.  A superman blessing started off our dinner and by the end of the night the Aiden and Court both said how thankful they were for their families.  It warmed my heart to see all the cousins playing together, at one point without parental supervision even!  We are truly thankful for so many things but the chance to be together is our biggest blessing.

Although I didn’t take a single photo, Grandpa Wolford did! Thanks Dad!


Lindsay was so sweet and let Court win the boxing match every time.




This was the scene tonight as Aiden and Scott watched the UNC basketball game.  For the first time, Bruno has trusted Aiden enough to half-way sit on his lap.


Of note, Aiden gave Scott this little advice while yelling at the players during the basketball game.

“Big One, you know they can’t hear you through the TV screen.”

and then

“It’s okay, Big One.  You don’t have to yell.  The coaches can handle it.”