
Last week, Court got to stay home from baby camp two days because he had the croup. Somehow Aiden and Court have avoided the croup until last week but it hit Court hard.  He got some steroids and was over it pretty quickly.  He went to the office with Scott for a few hours (with him kid computer in hand ready for a hard day’s work) and spent a lot of time cuddling with me and some good books.  But honestly, doesn’t he make being sick look good?!

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Butterfly tattoos - his whole class "The Butterflies" at baby camp got them

Butterfly tattoos – his whole class “The Butterflies” at baby camp got them


Father’s Day

There is nothing nicer than having a warm bear hug from your Dad.  I have always thought that my Dad gives great hugs.  Growing up, I remember always feeling very safe in my Daddy’s arms.  I know Aiden and Court feel exactly the same way about Big One as well as Pop, Grandpa, and Granddaddy.  Thanks to all the Dads in our lives.  I can’t imagine trying to raise the two energetic boys without our village of Dads (including Uncle Mike) to help lead us along the way.  We love you all.  Happy Father’s Day!  And to Big One who couldn’t really be with us today, Aiden and Court can’t wait to celebrate with you very soon!

Aiden and Court watching their firetruck movie that Grandpa bought them (in their underoos)

Aiden and Court watching their firetruck movie that Grandpa bought them (in their underoos)

Aiden was so proud to give Grandpa his Father's Day gift

Aiden was so proud to give Grandpa his Father’s Day gift

Court was pretty proud of the card they made as well

Court was pretty proud of the card they made as well

"Look what we made for you, Grandpa"

“Look what we made for you, Grandpa”

Grandma’s visit

Last week, we had a quick visit from Grandma.  My mom has never been one to jump in front of a camera.  So, since it is rare that I sneak a photo of her, I am documenting a few for good measure. Thanks for a great visit! Can’t wait to see you again soon!

Snuggles with Court before bedtime

Snuggles with Court before bedtime

Story time with Grandma

Story time with Grandma

Wacky Dentist Wednesday

This past Wednesday, Aiden and I both went to the dentist. And then Grandma came for a quick visit after she went to the dentist too!  Very coincidental and unplanned.  But the point of this post is that Aiden went to the dentist for the first time!  It was a great success thanks to the enthusiastic dental staff and Dr. Matt’s fun office (video games, sunglasses, interesting dental instruments for my tool-obsessed 3 year-old). Aiden even got ice cream afterwards for his good behavior…which may have negated all the fluoride. Whatever.  Now he asks to floss his teeth everyday!




Gunns visit Charlotte

Earlier this week, the Gunn family visited us in Charlotte for dinner.  Ryan Gunn was Scott’s resident advisor in his first two years at Chapel Hill.  Ryan and his gorgeous wife, Chelsea, now live in Florida.  But they were in Charlotte visiting family so they were able to introduce us to their new baby, Jude, who is such a joy.  Some other college friends, Dauntae and Sarah also introduced the crew to their new baby Dauntae (aka Lil’ Tae), who is one very laid back little man.  Aiden and Court assumed that Jude and Lil’ Tae could hold their own in our house and acted out a big time wrestling match the entire time they visited.  We are all lucky that they survived the wild Williams boys.  Dave and Jenn rounded out our group for the evening with wonderful stories of their European adventure in celebration of their 1-year anniversary!!!  Congrats to the Kennedys!  We had a wonderful evening full of catching up, loving on adorable baby boys, and even getting a little adult dinner in at the end!  Can’t wait until your next visit!! 


Roaring Gap

Over Memorial Day weekend, we were generously invited to tag along to Roaring Gap (about 1.5 hours north of Charlotte into the mountains) with Charlie and Chatham.  Chatham’s family started a country club there years ago dedicated to family and friends (i.e. not for the purpose of making money).  Over the years, houses have been passed down to children and grandchildren and the community has stayed as close-knit as it was always meant to be.  Everyone knows everyone and are all so friendly.  Poor Chatham would need at least 30 minutes to try to get to the restroom anywhere we went because she would see so many people she knew on her way there!  I only say “poor Chatham” because she is pregnant and time is of the essence when one has a baby pushing on a full bladder 🙂  But that is neither here, nor there.

Chatham’s parents (DeWitt and Jeffrey) were incredibly hospitable as were Charlie and Chatham who declined every dinner and party invitation to hang out with us and have food thrown on them at dinner by our heathen sons.  Aiden and Court loved everything about Roaring Gap – the Lake, the horses, the hiking, the bike rides, the amazing house, the beautiful views, and most of all the extra attention from people other than their boring parents!   We had a wonderful time all around and are so thankful for such wonderful friends like the Ripples.

Bedtime stories

Bedtime stories

Look at this view!

Look at this view!

Aiden showing DeWitt just how fast his feet can move

Aiden showing DeWitt just how fast his feet can move

The boys first hike together

The boys first hike together


Chatham and Charlie were brave enough to take our motley family to a nice dinner - what a treat!

Chatham and Charlie were brave enough to take our motley crew to a nice dinner – what a treat! Look at Chatham – she is glowing!

Scott and Charlie tried to run  out some of the boys energy before dinner on the playground

Scott and Charlie tried to run out some of the boys energy before dinner on the playground

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Aiden pushing Court on the swings

Aiden pushing Court on the swings

Aiden and Court's first canoe ride

Aiden and Court’s first electric boat ride


The Ripples and the Kiersteds

The Ripples and the Kiersteds

On the sand playground at the lake

On the sand playground at the lake

Aiden won't stop talking about his first kayak ride. Thanks again for a great weekend!

Aiden won’t stop talking about his first kayak ride. Thanks again for a great weekend!