Doctor visit

I took Aiden and Court to the doctor on Monday for Aiden’s 3-year old check up and Court’s 18-month old check up.  Aiden is enormous (considering his gene pool).  He is 39 inches tall and 35 lbs (90th percentile for both).  Court is a little more average these days at 32 & 1/4 inches tall and 24.5 lbs (50th percentile for each).  They were adorable both sitting there in their skivvies on the examination table while Dr. Giftos listened to their hearts and lungs and while they watched the light move with their eyes, etc.  If I can arrange it, I will always take them together in the future because it was just that cute.

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One thought on “Doctor visit

  1. Oh Katie…this just cracks me up! All of your recent posts are, so entertaining , so adorable and such fun to have that peek into your world…but this one…I just laughed out loud :)))))) Too cute for words! Love to all of you! GO HEELS!!!

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