Date with the Nuggets

Over the weekend, my parents came into town for a visit.  Dad and Scott (along with Charlie and Dave) were able to take advantage of a charity experience with the Denver Nuggets that Coach Roy and Bub bought at a charity auction.  They all got to go to the players and coaches meetings before the Nuggets played the Charlotte Bobcats and then got to go to lunch with Coach Karl.  Later that night, Aiden, Court, Scott, and I got to head to the locker room before the game.  Coach Karl and his staff couldn’t have been nicer and more accommodating.  We would have been able to go after the game as well, but two little boys needed their beds at that point.  Sadly, I have few photos of those events because I am lazy when my Dad is around and let him play photog 🙂 However, we did get these of the boys in Ty Lawson’s jersey and shoes (which were also part of the Nuggets package). Aiden kept asking “Where is Ty?” the whole game.  Pretty sure he’s destined to be a point guard.

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Granddaddy’s birthday celebration

Last Tuesday, Granddaddy turned 89 years old!  So we surprised him with all the family coming to Chapel Hill to catch a game and have a little birthday party the weekend before.  Scott and I were lucky enough to go down a little early to catch the UNC vs. Dook game at Cameron (with a sitter for the boys so we could thoroughly take in all the Cameron Crazies).  This meant that we also got to celebrate Valentine’s Day with Bub and Pop.  We also got to enjoy a few weekdays in Chapel Hill and went to KidZoo, the kids museum in Chapel Hill) and spend some quality time in the Dean Dome.  We went there everyday and the maintenance staff were so nice to put up with us.  They even lowered the goals so Court could dunk – it was awesome!  It was also great to see UNC pull out a win over UVA and of course to celebrate Granddaddy’s birthday with great family, a little barbeque, and birthday cake (made by Aunt Sandy no less!)


Bed time stories with Bubba and Pop

Bed time stories with Bubba and Pop


Aiden climbing around the Southern village playground

Aiden climbing around the Southern village playground

Cousin Hunter even came to join the fun

Cousin Hunter even came to join the fun

Fun at the Dean Dome

Fun at the Dean Dome

Watching warm ups intently

Watching warm ups intently

Getting some play by play from Granddaddy

Getting some play-by-play from Granddaddy

Court was fading fast...the game was during nap time

Court was fading fast…the game was during nap time

Aiden couldn't resist the sandman any longer and took a short nap during half time of the game. Scott held his head up the whole time.

Aiden couldn’t resist the sandman any longer and took a short nap during half time of the game. Scott held his head up the whole time.


The Waldrops (Aunt Sandy, Uncle Larry, and Hunter) finally made it to a game all together - their first one in 10 years!!

The Waldrops (Aunt Sandy, Uncle Larry, and Hunter) finally made it to a game all together – their first one in 10 years!!

Bruno also got a new haircut for the special occasion

Bruno also got a new haircut for the special occasion 2

87…plus 2

Singing "Happy birthday to Granddaddy"

Singing “Happy birthday to Granddaddy”


Playing on Sunday before heading home

Playing on Sunday before heading home


Just one more snuggle with Aunt Cheryl

Just one more snuggle with Aunt Cheryl

North Carolina had some snow showers that weekend.  We saw lots of snow in Chapel HIll but none mounted up.  But when we got home to Charlotte, there was still a little bit left on our porch.  Just enough for a snowball fight...

North Carolina had some snow showers that weekend. We saw lots of snow in Chapel Hill but none mounted up. But when we got home to Charlotte, there was still a little bit left on our porch. Just enough for a snowball fight…


…and the tiniest little snowman ever.



Making Valentines

IMG_1431Hope everyone had a wonderful Valentine’s Day!  We spent the day enjoying the love in our family…and with a lot of heart shaped food (hearts cut into apples, heart shaped PB&J, heart shaped toast with eggs, and with red velvet cake!)


Conversations with Court

Court is just talking away these days. Granted, you can’t understand everything that he says.  I try but sometimes I can’t either.  But he understands everything he says and he even understands 90% of what we say.  His newest words are Bruno “Nu-no” and Aiden “Daden.”  He is really at such a fun age right now.  So here’s a peek at our little cutie.  FYI, He starts out a little fussy because he wants the wrench that I stole from him (which you’ll see later in the video) but generally, you’ll get the idea.

Mountain house

This past weekend, we headed up to Coach and Bub’s mountain “retirement” house near Asheville.  Scott had some things he wanted to take care of (he’s the family TV/technical expert) and wanted to cut some of the wood that was left on the property.  Of course, the boys and I are always ready for a little mountain action so, of course, we tagged along. Granny fed us one night, my parents joined us for dinner the next, and then Granny and Granddaddy joined us for breakfast the next morning.  It was a great weekend of fun with family, enjoying the mountains, and watching the SNOW!  (Ok, it was just flurries, but we still loved seeing it!)

Aiden's visit to Granny's and Granddaddy's farm is never complete without sitting on a tractor.

Aiden’s visit to Granny’s and Granddaddy’s farm is never complete without sitting on a tractor.


Granddaddy helping Court with his cow


Trying out Granddaddy’s cool headphones


Saturday morning at the morning at the mountain house with “Thomas and Friends”


The boys made sure to bring their chainsaws to the mountain house so they could “help” chop wood.



The boys were mesmerized.


So was Bruno


Loving the trains (along with some new ones from Grandpa Wolford) in the playroom.


Aiden and Grandpa Wolford discussing which trains that they should add to their collection next.


Dance party!


“Hey, Ho!”


Granddaddy saving Aiden from some briar bushes.


Court chose to snuggle inside with Granny where it was warm.


Fixing dessert for Saturday evening with Grandma Wolford. Aiden actually did have a lot of fun…despite his scowl in this photo.


My dad calls this photo “Mountain Men”

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