A weekend in the mountains

This past weekend, we headed up to Asheville to enjoy the last bit of summer in the mountains.  We stayed with Granny and Granddaddy on the farm and the boys had the times of their lives.  Granny cooked us good food from their garden and Granddaddy educated Aiden and Court on all the farm equipment.  They have such beautiful property; it truly makes me slow down.  I find myself stopping to smell the flowers (literally) more there than any other place in the world.  Bub and Pop were around for a bit as they happened to be in town with their golfing buddies.  Grandma and Grandpa came to visit and even took us to the John Deere dealership near their house where Aiden and Court tried out all the equipment.  It was a marvelous weekend with amazing hosts – thanks to you all!!!

The boys on the farm (Court was helping to take the photo)

Heading into the pasture

Bruno loved it too!


Aiden’s most favorite thing in the world these days…Granddaddy’s BIG orange tractor!

Aiden even got to drive it!

Bedtime stories with Granny

Aiden honestly is in the market for one of these. He said, “Do I have enough money in my piggie?” (Construction hat provided by Grandpa Wolford)

“Can I ride in here?”

View from the top of the excavator

Grandma even joined in the fun!

Thanks for the great idea and a great time, Grandma and Grandpa!









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