It was only a matter of time

I went to work on Saturday leaving Scott in charge of the boys for the day.  I come to home this scene already in progress:

I should have known. But honestly, I didn’t even see it coming!

My sweet baby boy’s first haircut…into a mohawk. While Scott was butchering his hair, I tried to pick up several little locks to put in a ziploc bag for the scrapbook. We really are two very different people at times.

All spiked up and ready to rock and roll

The side view

Court was surprisingly cool about the whole thing. It didn’t really phase him, much to his mama’s dismay.

2 thoughts on “It was only a matter of time

  1. I didn’t know Court was a thumb sucker! Love it, why worry when you can just suck your thumb? Good thing you don’t have a girl….what would your husband do to her hair? 🙂 Court is adorable, even with the mohawk.

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