Summer fun photos

Court’s favorite playground apparatus? The tunnel of course!

Aiden’s favorite ORANGE shoes

Watching the world go by out the window

A boy, his ball, and some underroos

Snaggletooth! Court has about a mile-sized gap between his two front teeth.

Reading a book prior to attacking the shoes in Big One’s closet

Aiden is always ready for a bike ride these days

These baby giggles are just the best

Now that Aiden is a “Doodlebug” at school, he gets to go to “gym” with Coach Sam every Tuesday. He loves it and is very attentive! Last week they learned to jump rope and this week they ran hurdles!

Court wants to do anything that Aiden does. So naturally, the instant Aiden takes his helmet off, Court puts it right on!

The side view gives a different perspective to the hilarity of this helmet

Uncle Charlie giving Aiden a riding lesson




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