Beach time

Last weekend, we got to spend some time with Grandma and Grandpa Wolford as well as Bub (and Pops who joined us at the end of our trip) at the Charleston beach house. It was wonderful to hang out with both sets of grandparents with good food, great weather (apart from a bit more wind than we anticipated at the beach on Saturday) and lots of giggles from our boys all weekend.  What more can a kid ask for than being spoiled by both sets of grandparents at the beach!!! Thanks for such a fun time!


Our muscle man on the top of his mountain of sand


And then in the depths of the moat

Bruno in flight after the ball on the beach

The Williams boys love to play “mud monsters” in a huge sand pit.

Court refused to put his favorite sand shovel down even when taking a stroll on the beach

Tossing the ball for Bruno to chase

Scott loves to launch Aiden on the beach. My dad caught this great shot! (Thanks to Grandpa Wolford for all these awesome photos!)

Relaxing with some computer time before heading out to the beach again.

Court’s turn!

All smiles after a big time wrestling match Sunday morning

Aiden has now started to add dancing while he’s standing on Scott’s hands in the pool. He’s a wild man!



All cleaned up and ready to say “Goodbye” to the beach house. Hopefully we’ll see it again very soon!












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