11 months old

On Tuesday, Court turned 11 months old. It is hard for me to believe that he is going to be a full year old in just a few short weeks. Although we didn’t have a check-up this month, we headed to the doctor, thanks to a double-ear infection, and found out that our little man weighs 21 lbs, 11oz. He’s a chunk and proud of it. Aiden and I still call him “Chunky Monkey” when we eat together. Court is now starting to drink from a cup (without a spout) and enjoys every drop that gets in his mouth and down his shirt! He loves experimenting with spoons and the fun messes that he can make with all of his food (yogurt in the hair, meatballs in Bruno’s hair, cheerios between his toes and down his diaper – that one still amazes me). Court loves to pull up on anything in sight and tries to turn everything into a push toy (including our dining room chairs and Aiden!). He loves giving open mouth kisses, giggling, and showing off his new teeth (he’s up to 4 now – two front on top and bottom). He tried to copy us when we say words and I actually think that he can say “Bubba” but Scott isn’t quite convinced yet.  Lucky for Bub that Court has learned his “B” sounds earlier than any other consonant!  Overall, we’re just eating him up at this age. He is so fun, curious, and happy. I can’t wait to see what this next month holds for him!


It is almost impossible to get him to lie still for these photos!

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