Summer photos

Last week we got a special visit from my Uncle Glenn who lives in New York. He flew into Charlotte en route to Asheville and my parents brought him by the house for a visit before heading back to the mountains. We all had a HUGE pillow fight with Mike, Cara, Lindsay, and Ryan. Hilarious!

Last Monday was my birthday. I came home to find Aiden and Scott planting two beautiful hydrangeas in the back yard as a surprise!

Since Court tries to eat everything in reach (including grass, mulch, bugs, etc), he was directing the planting operation from the safety of the pack and play.

We have amazing neighbors. Sherri and Jenny and their girls Madison and Zuri live 2 doors down and always invite us over to play in their yard. They have an awesome swing set complete with a slide.

On hot days, the set up the pool at the bottom of the slide. Aiden LOVES this game!

I think it’s safe to say that Aiden feels pretty comfortable in the water these days.

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