Beach time

Last weekend, we got to spend some time with Grandma and Grandpa Wolford as well as Bub (and Pops who joined us at the end of our trip) at the Charleston beach house. It was wonderful to hang out with both sets of grandparents with good food, great weather (apart from a bit more wind than we anticipated at the beach on Saturday) and lots of giggles from our boys all weekend.  What more can a kid ask for than being spoiled by both sets of grandparents at the beach!!! Thanks for such a fun time!


Our muscle man on the top of his mountain of sand


And then in the depths of the moat

Bruno in flight after the ball on the beach

The Williams boys love to play “mud monsters” in a huge sand pit.

Court refused to put his favorite sand shovel down even when taking a stroll on the beach

Tossing the ball for Bruno to chase

Scott loves to launch Aiden on the beach. My dad caught this great shot! (Thanks to Grandpa Wolford for all these awesome photos!)

Relaxing with some computer time before heading out to the beach again.

Court’s turn!

All smiles after a big time wrestling match Sunday morning

Aiden has now started to add dancing while he’s standing on Scott’s hands in the pool. He’s a wild man!



All cleaned up and ready to say “Goodbye” to the beach house. Hopefully we’ll see it again very soon!












11 months old

On Tuesday, Court turned 11 months old. It is hard for me to believe that he is going to be a full year old in just a few short weeks. Although we didn’t have a check-up this month, we headed to the doctor, thanks to a double-ear infection, and found out that our little man weighs 21 lbs, 11oz. He’s a chunk and proud of it. Aiden and I still call him “Chunky Monkey” when we eat together. Court is now starting to drink from a cup (without a spout) and enjoys every drop that gets in his mouth and down his shirt! He loves experimenting with spoons and the fun messes that he can make with all of his food (yogurt in the hair, meatballs in Bruno’s hair, cheerios between his toes and down his diaper – that one still amazes me). Court loves to pull up on anything in sight and tries to turn everything into a push toy (including our dining room chairs and Aiden!). He loves giving open mouth kisses, giggling, and showing off his new teeth (he’s up to 4 now – two front on top and bottom). He tried to copy us when we say words and I actually think that he can say “Bubba” but Scott isn’t quite convinced yet.  Lucky for Bub that Court has learned his “B” sounds earlier than any other consonant!  Overall, we’re just eating him up at this age. He is so fun, curious, and happy. I can’t wait to see what this next month holds for him!


It is almost impossible to get him to lie still for these photos!

Playground fun

There is a park just down the street from Uncle Charlie’s house which Aiden has aptly named Uncle Charlie’s Park. There have been some recent upgrades. Aiden and Court tested it out and gave their full approval.


Court loved crawling on this orange bridge…


…and then sit up to admire the view.


Aiden liked climbing up these trees…


…and then jump into Scott’s arms. What a daredevil!


Aiden tried to convince Uncle Charlie that he would catch him if he jumped. Very convincing, Aiden.


Scott is getting pretty good at Bill Newton’s double-swing push.

New moves

Court is speeding through his 10th month with lots of new moves.  He can now crawl/climb the stairs (our entire staircase to be exact) and will spend hours (okay, minutes) climbing up and flopping down the one stair in our room.  Court has also pretty well mastered walking while holding onto a push toy.  In our house, Aiden calls it the “indoor lawnmower.”  Even though it is clearly an infant toy, Aiden takes this toy and runs at warp speed through the house trying to “mow the lawn.” Court, on the other hand, “mows” very cautiously but tends to run into trouble with obstacles from time to time.


Aiden and Court heart Maggie

Our babysitter, Maggie, is the best.  We went to the Coldplay concert last Tuesday night.  It was the best concert that I have ever been to, hands down.  Maggie babysit and this is the text she sent me at the end of the night.

The text said, “Aiden was asking me to take pictures of him while he was sitting on the potty.” What a little ham!!

July 4 2012

I hope everyone has a very Happy Independence Day!  We were fortunate enough to spend July 4th at the Charleston Beachhouse where we were spoiled with amazing home cooking, great company, beautiful weather, and extra hands to help out with the kids from Coach, Bub, Kimmie, and Daniel.  Those hands were especially welcome since our family has been spending a LOT of time together lately.  Since June 1st someone in our foursome has been sick.  We’ve passed around head colds, sinus infections, pink eye, and most recently, the stomach flu.  Don’t y’all want to come and visit us?!  I think we’re finally on the mend but it was nice to have some distractions since I think Aiden and Court are getting pretty bored of seeing us and the walls of our house.  The pool, the beach, the golf cart, and all the other wonders of Isle of Palms made for a wonderful weekend for us all.  Thanks to Bub and Pop for letting us mooch off your fun all weekend!

Pop and Scott playing toss the Aiden

Court loved sitting in the splash pad with his ball. He’d bounce the ball down into the water and then put his hands up in celebration!

Court drying off after one of our many post-beach baths.

Scott tried to take Aiden’s photo while pretending to drive Pop’s new golf cart but then Aiden forced Kimmie and Daniel to catch a ride too.

On Saturday morning, we headed into Charleston to check out the farmer’s market. We had a picnic with lots of yummy goodies!

Court loved stealing mommy’s crepes

And Aiden even got to ride a pony!

Aiden’s silly faces entertaining us at dinner

Aiden and Court were both amazed at all the boats coming in at the end of the day.



Summer photos

Last week we got a special visit from my Uncle Glenn who lives in New York. He flew into Charlotte en route to Asheville and my parents brought him by the house for a visit before heading back to the mountains. We all had a HUGE pillow fight with Mike, Cara, Lindsay, and Ryan. Hilarious!

Last Monday was my birthday. I came home to find Aiden and Scott planting two beautiful hydrangeas in the back yard as a surprise!

Since Court tries to eat everything in reach (including grass, mulch, bugs, etc), he was directing the planting operation from the safety of the pack and play.

We have amazing neighbors. Sherri and Jenny and their girls Madison and Zuri live 2 doors down and always invite us over to play in their yard. They have an awesome swing set complete with a slide.

On hot days, the set up the pool at the bottom of the slide. Aiden LOVES this game!

I think it’s safe to say that Aiden feels pretty comfortable in the water these days.