School photos

I know I am a little behind in posting these since we got them at the beginning of MAY!  But here are the boys Spring photos from baby camp.

In that chubby little fist of his lies a precious piece of mulch. And the second you turn your back, he is going to put that little beauty in his mouth.

This is Court’s second photo outfit of the day. Apparently right before Scott left the house, Court threw up all over his first set. The Big One found a nice replacement!

Sweet brothers

In other baby camp news, both boys move up to a new classroom next week.  They have been transitioning this week, spending a bit of time in their new classes.  Court has not taken his typical morning nap all week because he is too excited to play with all his new friends in the Caterpillar room.  He has crashed out around noon for the past two days. They say he just falls asleep in the middle of the room and all the other kids just toddle around him until they move him to the crib. Aiden is moving up to the Doodlebug classroom  (which is adorable to hear him say “Dooblebug”).  He is going to start learning more Spanish words, do a “my gym” type class, take a music class, start taking small field trips around Uptown Charlotte and go to the “big gym” at the church where he can shoot basketball.  Although we will really miss Ms. Angela (along with Ms. Passion and Ms. Sandra), he is SO excited.  Everyday, he says, “I play basketball in the BIG gym with Roman.”

One thought on “School photos

  1. Adorable!!!! I’ll say again and again…you are sosooo blessed!!! And Aiden with those lashes and sweet smile…lady killer in the making!

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