Start of Summer

The start of summer for a lot of people is Memorial Day.  To me, it’s when it is warm enough to go to the beach and wear your bathing suit all weekend without having to put on a sweatshirt to actually enjoy being on the beach.  So to me, last weekend was the start of summer. Dave and Jenn had a wedding in Charleston and asked if we were going to the beach house.  Well, we weren’t planning on it but they twisted out arms ever so slightly and luckily the beach house was free.  It was a perfect long weekend.  Overall we relaxed a ton and it was wonderful to spend some adult time with Dave and Jenn after the boys went to bed.  Thanks as always to Bub and Pop for allowing us to enjoy your house!!

Court was gearing up for the beach

Aiden kept pretending to “fix” the door all weekend as an excuse to step onto this step stool.

Court’s hair is really starting to come in now. But it’s growing in a natural mohawk.

Bruno just enjoyed the warm weather all weekend

Water fight!

Run Aiden!

Uncle Dave telling Court the secrets of the world

Aren’t they going to be great parents?!

Aiden learned to really jump in to the pool this trip.

He’d say, “No, back up. Back up.”

Happy Court

Giggling Court

Court in his baby speedo


A few random tidbits that I don’t want to forget about the Williams brothers at this age:

When we stayed at the Newton’s house a few weeks ago, Aiden and Court slept in the same room.  Court cried for a few minutes when he was first starting to fall asleep.  Trying to help, we heard Aiden through the monitor saying, “It’s okay, Court. It’s okay.”

If Court is trying to do something that he shouldn’t, Aiden will say “Court Carmichael Williams! Don’t do that!” Hmmm, where have I heard that before?

When Aiden and Court ride in the wagon together, Aiden tries to help Court sit up straight if he starts to reach outside the wagon or lean too far forward.

When we were packing up to leave Charleston during our last visit, Aiden said “I’ll watch Court.”  I brought our bags downstairs and when I came back, Aiden was sitting with Court rolling a ball back and forth with him.  He kept trying to spread Court’s legs out wide so they could roll the ball more efficiently but Court’s chubby little legs kept bending back in.  We tried to recreate it but it wasn’t quite the same….