
I took Court to the doctor yesterday for his 9 month check up.  He did great – a clean bill of health.  He weighed in at 19 lbs, 13 oz (about 40th percentile), is 29 inches tall (75th percentile), and his head circumference is 45.5 cm which is 50th percentile. He had to get one shot and a blood draw but he handled it like a champ with one big scream, one little whimper, and then a smile.  Aiden kept saying “I take care of Court.  It’s okay, Court.” Overall, the doctor said that he is perfect 🙂  What more could you ask for?!

Court chillin’ in his diaper, waiting to be weighed.

He LOVES the crinkly paper on the examination table. Note the tear to his right.

Other than hitting me and the doctor a few times with the measuring stick (which he claimed he was using as a leaf blower), he was well-behaved and even got a prized Elmo sticker with Zoe on it who is orange, his favorite color. He was pumped.

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