Sweet Aiden

On the way home from baby camp today, I asked Aiden what he did.  He said, “I take care of Roman.”  Roman is Aiden’s best friend at baby camp.  Roman apparently wasn’t feeling well today because this is what his teacher, Ms. Angela, wrote on Aiden’s daily paper today:

“Aiden had a great day. Roman didn’t feel well today and all the kids knew it.  Aiden helped him to walk to the quiet area, helped him to crawl inside, then ran to find the “RIGHT” blanket to place on top of him.  Then, Aiden said, ‘Your Mommy will be back soon. It’s okay.'”

So today, I am a very proud Mom.


A big thanks to Grandpa Wolford for all these great photos of Aiden at soccer.

And by the way, for those of you who are keeping track, we got the results from Aiden’s blood work after being at the endocrinologist.  (Thanks to Kelley for reminding me to post this info!)  Sadly, it was a bit of bad news in that Aiden will most likely have to be on his medicine for the rest of his life.  The good news is that modern science can make sure Aiden grows up to be a normal kid and he actually likes the little cheerio pill that he get every night.  So really, we’re just thankful that it isn’t something worse 🙂


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