9 months old

Today, Court turned 9 months old.  Just to give you an idea of what he’s up to these days, here is a bit of info on our little man:

Height:  Average

Weight:  Chubby (unsure of actual stats on this…he goes to the doctor next week)

Sign: Virgo

Nicknames:  Chunky Monkey, Peanut, Puff Daddy (due to his favorite food below)

Favorite food:  Puffs!

Favorite pastime: Pulling mommy’s hair; Pulling Bruno’s hair; Stalking Aiden silently until he drops a toy and then going in for the kill and stealing said toy the second Aiden turns his attention to something else

Favorite mode of transport:  Army crawling

Favorite sport: Eating Aiden’s little football; Exploring the stairs; Wrestling out of a diaper on the changing table;  Swimming/splashing in the baby pool

Biggest enemy:  The baby gate

How big is Court?

“Please, no pictures”

Wait a second, where’s Court?

Oh, there he is in the toy basket.

One thought on “9 months old

  1. you are doing SUCH a great job of taking lots of photos of both of your little ones. This gives me hope that our #2 will not be forgotten in the memory books like everyone says #2 is.

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