
I took Court to the doctor yesterday for his 9 month check up.  He did great – a clean bill of health.  He weighed in at 19 lbs, 13 oz (about 40th percentile), is 29 inches tall (75th percentile), and his head circumference is 45.5 cm which is 50th percentile. He had to get one shot and a blood draw but he handled it like a champ with one big scream, one little whimper, and then a smile.  Aiden kept saying “I take care of Court.  It’s okay, Court.” Overall, the doctor said that he is perfect 🙂  What more could you ask for?!

Court chillin’ in his diaper, waiting to be weighed.

He LOVES the crinkly paper on the examination table. Note the tear to his right.

Other than hitting me and the doctor a few times with the measuring stick (which he claimed he was using as a leaf blower), he was well-behaved and even got a prized Elmo sticker with Zoe on it who is orange, his favorite color. He was pumped.

Sweet Aiden

On the way home from baby camp today, I asked Aiden what he did.  He said, “I take care of Roman.”  Roman is Aiden’s best friend at baby camp.  Roman apparently wasn’t feeling well today because this is what his teacher, Ms. Angela, wrote on Aiden’s daily paper today:

“Aiden had a great day. Roman didn’t feel well today and all the kids knew it.  Aiden helped him to walk to the quiet area, helped him to crawl inside, then ran to find the “RIGHT” blanket to place on top of him.  Then, Aiden said, ‘Your Mommy will be back soon. It’s okay.'”

So today, I am a very proud Mom.


A big thanks to Grandpa Wolford for all these great photos of Aiden at soccer.

And by the way, for those of you who are keeping track, we got the results from Aiden’s blood work after being at the endocrinologist.  (Thanks to Kelley for reminding me to post this info!)  Sadly, it was a bit of bad news in that Aiden will most likely have to be on his medicine for the rest of his life.  The good news is that modern science can make sure Aiden grows up to be a normal kid and he actually likes the little cheerio pill that he get every night.  So really, we’re just thankful that it isn’t something worse 🙂


9 months old

Today, Court turned 9 months old.  Just to give you an idea of what he’s up to these days, here is a bit of info on our little man:

Height:  Average

Weight:  Chubby (unsure of actual stats on this…he goes to the doctor next week)

Sign: Virgo

Nicknames:  Chunky Monkey, Peanut, Puff Daddy (due to his favorite food below)

Favorite food:  Puffs!

Favorite pastime: Pulling mommy’s hair; Pulling Bruno’s hair; Stalking Aiden silently until he drops a toy and then going in for the kill and stealing said toy the second Aiden turns his attention to something else

Favorite mode of transport:  Army crawling

Favorite sport: Eating Aiden’s little football; Exploring the stairs; Wrestling out of a diaper on the changing table;  Swimming/splashing in the baby pool

Biggest enemy:  The baby gate

How big is Court?

“Please, no pictures”

Wait a second, where’s Court?

Oh, there he is in the toy basket.

It’s official

Court is now pulling up to standing.  He has been pulling and tugging on everything taller than him for a week or so now and he’s been perfecting pulling up to his knees. But, today he is officially pulling up to standing.  And he’s SO PROUD of himself for it.  Look at this face!

Although he’s not quite mastered the getting out of standing part yet…

May Days

Just a few photos from recent days around these parts.

Now that he’s mastered his sitting balance, Court’s favorite pastime is riding around in the grocery store cart. He loves it! (Thanks to Becky and Cody for the Pebble Beach gear)

Aiden’s favorite pastime is still mowing the lawn!

Heading out in the Bob on a chilly morning

Loving all the new foods (although Court’s favorites are still rice cereal and puffs)

Here is our “junior fireman” (that’s what the badge sticker said that the fireman gave Aiden). He loves riding his bike around the neighborhood when we walk Bruno.

Sad but funny

Today, Court and I took Aiden for a check-up at the pediatric endocrinologist for his hypothyroidism.  For the past month, Aiden has been off his medicine as a trial run to see if his thyroid gland will work enough so he can go without medicine for the rest of his life or if he’ll need it, likely, forever. (No results, yet. We’ll hear in a few days.)  On the way, I said, “Aiden, what are you going to say to Dr. Vanderwel when he asks how you’re doing?”  He smiled and said, “I not sick!”  Sure enough, Dr. Vanderwel walks into the exam room and Aiden pipes up, “I not sick.”  The exam went fine and Aiden was a champ.  But then they had to draw some blood.  Aiden  immediately recognized the blood draw room and immediately started backing up saying, “I don’t like this.”  I had to pick him up and hold him while they drew blood and the whole time he screamed, “But, I not sick!!!!!”  Pitiful!  Thankfully, one extra large sticker later and the tears dried right up. Since I wasn’t talented enough to handle Aiden, Court and the camera, I got no photos of all of this.  So here is some video footage and photos that Aunt Kimmie took of soccer last week.

Thanks to Daniel for getting Aiden to LOVE soccer!

Happy Mother’s Day

To all those Mothers out there (mine especially along with Grandma Coulson, Granny, and Bubba), I hope that you had a wonderfully relaxing day because being a Mama is hard work!  Today, I am thankful for all the love that I get back from these two silly boys (three, counting Bruno) who I am so fortunate to be a mother to.

Flowers (from Scott), a card and hand/foot print art (from Aiden), and a handprint frame (from Court). The boys were SO happy all day today. Smiles, hugs, and kisses all around. What more could a mother want?


Court & Aiden 5 5 12-21

Aiden has a smile on his face the entire soccer practice, but honestly he lacks a little focus. For example, the ball that he is kicking, is not his. He stole it from some other kid who stood there stunned because this simply isn’t acceptable behavior. But all that matters is that he’s having fun at this age, right?