Go Heels! Beat Dook!

The Williams fam took a trip to Chapel Hill this past weekend for our last regular season basketball game of the year.  All day, we’d say, “Hey Aiden. Go Heels!” and he’d reply “Beat Dook!”  And alas, after much anticipation, the Heels did indeed Beat Dook…at Cameron Indoor…on Senior Night.  Sweet Revenge.  Scott went to the game but I stayed at Chez Williams with the boys and Aiden and I cheered on our team in our jammies with some yummy popcorn.  It was a great night and a great weekend! Way to go Coach Roy!

Sadly, I didn’t get too many photos from the weekend.  But we did get a few on Saturday morning while we played at the Smith Center.

A little wrestling

A little yoga. This position is called "The Roy" coined by Sage, Coach and Bub's yoga instructor. Aiden is big into yoga these days. He likes to mimic the poses and then say "Aiden a yogi."

And a little nap for Court.

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