6 months old

Court turned 6 months old on Friday.  Time is just flying by these days!  Our little man is eating rice cereal by the box full already and is entering the world of veggies.  Yellow squash was the first and by the end of this week, we’ll be tackling other squashes too.  We went out to dinner at Big Daddy’s to celebrate his half-birthday:

As you can see, the jury is still out on whether or not yellow squash will continue in his dinner menu.

For the first few weeks of Aiden’s eating career, I thought he ingested absolutely nothing of what we gave him.  Court is a whole different story.  He hardly spills a drop.

As far as stats from Court’s 6 months:  weight 16 lbs, 14 oz (40th percentile), 26.5 inches tall (50th percentile), and head circumference is 44.25 cm which is 70th percentile.  So he is leveling off a little as far as his growth goes, which is a good thing or else we were going to raise Andre the Giant.  He is more and more curious and giggly everyday.  He smiles at everything that you do and laughs at everything Aiden does.  He has mastered rolling and uses it as a form of transportation until he gets stuck up against something and screams vehemently until you turn him in a different direction to continue his roll.  He is working on sitting up but he still tips over if you leave him on his own for more than 5 seconds at a time.  He loves to grab ahold of anything and everything near him and either puts it in his mouth immediately or just drools on it.  Aiden likes to narrate everything in our day and frequently says, “Court drooling.”  No teeth yet, but I’m sure they’re not too far away.  He’s growing fast but he’s still our Toot Baby Love.


Loving the sippy cup - he would drink a gallon of water a day if we let him!

Painting Valentine's Day cards

Happy Half-birthday Court! We love you, little man!

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