Funny photos

Recently, we’ve been laughing a lot.  Court is at such a fun age – he just rolls around and laughs at you and smiles so big whenever you pay him any attention.  Aiden is just exploring life as a two year old which leads to all sorts of hilarious moments.

Court's Mick Jagger impersonation (without teeth).

Aiden's outfit for the day: Thomas The Train rain jacket, sunglasses, pajama pants, socks and crocs

While I was at work on Saturday, Scott showed the boys a thing or two about working out in the weight room. Aiden is a weight room veteran at this point and loves to work out with Big One. Court must have been a little overwhelmed and fell asleep.

What a good big brother Aiden tries to be!

 The following photo has been digitally remastered in order to maintain Aiden’s privacy.  

Sunday was a rainy day so we took the boys to the toy store (Aiden's first trip since before he could walk and Court first trip ever!). We bought Aiden a big wheel. Scott was putting it together when we got home, Aiden made a slight miscalculation when using the potty, and this is how the evening unfolded.

Who am I to say one cannot wear a helmet at the dinner table? Safety first, Aiden! At least I managed to get his pants back on!

One thought on “Funny photos

  1. LOVE this blog!!! Just the best! Priceless! You get a gold star! So many funnies…who needs the funnies/cartoons in the newspaper? UNC/VA post was great as well!

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