UNC versus UVA

Last weekend, we went to Chapel Hill to visit with my dear friend from college, Danielle, and her family (husband, Kevin and kiddos Madison and Chase) who came down from New Jersey for the weekend.  It was so great to catch up with Danielle and see our kids play together.  The first part of the weekend was warm and beautiful.  By the end, it was too cold to run around outside, so Coach Roy opened the Dean Dome for the kids to run around on Sunday morning before heading home.  They are the luckiest kids in the world to get to play in that gym!!!  It warms my heart to see my children playing with my friends’ children – especially when they are as sweet as Madison and Chase!


Aiden and Chase

Madison could sense that Pop is a wonderful grandfather and took a liking to him right away.

Slam Dunk

Madison couldn't decide if she liked being lifted into the air or not!

Court giggled and giggled when we pretended to chase Madison.

"See no evil, speak no evil, hear no evil."

Aiden and Madison before the game on Saturday.

Court loved all the entertainment

Scott entertained the kids for a good 10 minutes with "Rock, paper, scissors" at Peppers Pizza

So great to see the Cooley Family!

One thought on “UNC versus UVA

  1. We had an incredible time. Thanks so much for entertaining us. We are definitely going to make it a more regular habit. Madison and Chase keep talking about you guys and our trip to North Carolina. Seeing the kids playing together and on the Dean Dome Court was truly unbelievable. Thanks again, love and kissed from New Jersey!!!!

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