
Now that Court has reached 6 months of age, we’ve taken him out of the car seat in the Bob stroller.  It’s a whole new view for both Court and Aiden (because the car seat also blocked Aiden’s view out of the right side of the jogger).  Now, Aiden leans over to Court and conspires about things that we should try to see on our afternoon walk with Bruno.  Aiden will say, “Court, backhoe loader? Yeah. Hey Mama, backhoe loader, please!”

Court, Aiden, and Bob

6 months old

Court turned 6 months old on Friday.  Time is just flying by these days!  Our little man is eating rice cereal by the box full already and is entering the world of veggies.  Yellow squash was the first and by the end of this week, we’ll be tackling other squashes too.  We went out to dinner at Big Daddy’s to celebrate his half-birthday:

As you can see, the jury is still out on whether or not yellow squash will continue in his dinner menu.

For the first few weeks of Aiden’s eating career, I thought he ingested absolutely nothing of what we gave him.  Court is a whole different story.  He hardly spills a drop.

As far as stats from Court’s 6 months:  weight 16 lbs, 14 oz (40th percentile), 26.5 inches tall (50th percentile), and head circumference is 44.25 cm which is 70th percentile.  So he is leveling off a little as far as his growth goes, which is a good thing or else we were going to raise Andre the Giant.  He is more and more curious and giggly everyday.  He smiles at everything that you do and laughs at everything Aiden does.  He has mastered rolling and uses it as a form of transportation until he gets stuck up against something and screams vehemently until you turn him in a different direction to continue his roll.  He is working on sitting up but he still tips over if you leave him on his own for more than 5 seconds at a time.  He loves to grab ahold of anything and everything near him and either puts it in his mouth immediately or just drools on it.  Aiden likes to narrate everything in our day and frequently says, “Court drooling.”  No teeth yet, but I’m sure they’re not too far away.  He’s growing fast but he’s still our Toot Baby Love.


Loving the sippy cup - he would drink a gallon of water a day if we let him!

Painting Valentine's Day cards

Happy Half-birthday Court! We love you, little man!

First scrape

Because, Aiden is always running, he falls all the time.  He’s been lucky for too long, apparently, as he finally got his first big-boy scraped-up elbow.  It was full of gravel and blood and dirt after he took a digger running on the sidewalk. A little peroxide and a bandaid and he was good to go!


Katie and Dave versus Michael Jackson

We recently have been introduced to game night.  Although, Scott and I thought that it sounded pretty silly, we actually had an awesome time.  After the boys went to bed, some good friends came over and brought games (you know, like old school Pictionary).  We ate pizza and played games for the rest of the night and stayed up way past our bedtime!  This is our new favorite way of still keeping up with our adult friends without having to hire a babysitter!!  For your viewing, pleasure, Crazy Dave and I take on Michael Jackson Dance Revolution on the Wii.  Ridiculous:

At home with Big One

Recently, Court got a case of pink eye and had to stay home with Big One.  Scott worked from home that day and Court “helped.”

Court working hard at the computer

A well deserved nap after all that hard work!

Back at work again. "Hmmmm....should I interrupt Big One to tell him that I just had a poopie?"

"Oh, maybe just one more nap before Mom and Aiden get home."

Funny photos

Recently, we’ve been laughing a lot.  Court is at such a fun age – he just rolls around and laughs at you and smiles so big whenever you pay him any attention.  Aiden is just exploring life as a two year old which leads to all sorts of hilarious moments.

Court's Mick Jagger impersonation (without teeth).

Aiden's outfit for the day: Thomas The Train rain jacket, sunglasses, pajama pants, socks and crocs

While I was at work on Saturday, Scott showed the boys a thing or two about working out in the weight room. Aiden is a weight room veteran at this point and loves to work out with Big One. Court must have been a little overwhelmed and fell asleep.

What a good big brother Aiden tries to be!

 The following photo has been digitally remastered in order to maintain Aiden’s privacy.  

Sunday was a rainy day so we took the boys to the toy store (Aiden's first trip since before he could walk and Court first trip ever!). We bought Aiden a big wheel. Scott was putting it together when we got home, Aiden made a slight miscalculation when using the potty, and this is how the evening unfolded.

Who am I to say one cannot wear a helmet at the dinner table? Safety first, Aiden! At least I managed to get his pants back on!

UNC versus UVA

Last weekend, we went to Chapel Hill to visit with my dear friend from college, Danielle, and her family (husband, Kevin and kiddos Madison and Chase) who came down from New Jersey for the weekend.  It was so great to catch up with Danielle and see our kids play together.  The first part of the weekend was warm and beautiful.  By the end, it was too cold to run around outside, so Coach Roy opened the Dean Dome for the kids to run around on Sunday morning before heading home.  They are the luckiest kids in the world to get to play in that gym!!!  It warms my heart to see my children playing with my friends’ children – especially when they are as sweet as Madison and Chase!


Aiden and Chase

Madison could sense that Pop is a wonderful grandfather and took a liking to him right away.

Slam Dunk

Madison couldn't decide if she liked being lifted into the air or not!

Court giggled and giggled when we pretended to chase Madison.

"See no evil, speak no evil, hear no evil."

Aiden and Madison before the game on Saturday.

Court loved all the entertainment

Scott entertained the kids for a good 10 minutes with "Rock, paper, scissors" at Peppers Pizza

So great to see the Cooley Family!

Happy Birthday Granddaddy!

This Sunday is Granddaddy’s birthday.  I told Aiden about it and he started singing “Happy Birthday” to Granddaddy.  Since Granddaddy wasn’t there to witness it, I thought I would post in instead.  I especially like how Aiden blows out the candles at the end.  Have a very happy birthday Granddaddy!

Happy Valentine’s Day!

This Valentine’s Day, I am so thankful for all the love that I have to give and to receive from all the wonderful people in my life.  Most importantly, I am thankful for the Big One because he puts up with all of my moodiness.

My boys in their Valentine's outfits


Aiden ate breakfast in his Valentine's Day gift - new sunnies!


Thanks to Bubba for Bruno's birthday outfit!!!

Just in time for Valentine’s Day, Court got his first meal. Court hearts rice cereal.


Over the weekend, we went to Chapel Hill to see my college roommate, Danielle, and her family for the Virginia game.  Today, Scott emailed me some photos of Aiden and Pop on the bench before the game.  More photos to come but I wanted to post these paparazzi photos before they left the papers (sorry about the strange sizes!)

"UNC coach Roy Williams watches his team warm up for their game against Virginia with his two-year-old grandson Aiden Williams"

"Two-year-old Aiden Williams takes a seat in his grandfather Roy Williams' lap prior to the Tar Heels' game against Virginia."