UNCA game

A few weeks ago we got to go to the UNC-Chapel Hill vs UNC-Asheville game in Asheville.  There were a lot of family and friends at the game  with us and it was a great time.  I just realized today that I didn’t post the photos that we got from the game.  They were taken by John Lyons who is a great UNC sports photographer.  Thanks for sending them along John!

It's funny that I have no recollection of what we were laughing at 🙂

Aiden and Grandpa Wolford laughing it up


In typical Scott Williams fashion, he has given Court a nickname. Aiden kind of helped as well. Aiden still cannot pronounce Court properly. It comes out “toot.” So, of course, we started calling him Toot. Somehow, Scott has morphed his nickname into “Toot baby love.” Makes me laugh every time!

Toot baby love testing out the swings. Don't worry, he's not really swinging...more just posing for the photo.