Santa versus the germs

For the first time since we’ve known each other, Scott and I took the boys to celebrate Christmas in Chapel Hill.  Everyone was really excited to see Aiden trash through the wrapping paper this Christmas and fully immerse himself in all of the goodies that Santa brought him.  However, Aiden woke up Christmas morning with a 102.9 fever and could not speak any words other than whining “Dada” and “No.”  When asked if he wanted to open presents, he whimpered “No”  repeatedly.  He spent the morning wrapped in a blanket on Scott’s lap and refused to move.  So the rest of us enjoyed watching Court kick and coo and giggle at his presents.  He LOVED all the paper, all the toys, and especially all the attention he got on his first Christmas.  His new favorite person is Aunt Kimmie who endlessly entertains him and who seems to have the same baby-whisperer effect that her mother has on Court.  So after a trip to Chapel Hill Pediatrics urgent care (where Aiden was diagnosed with strep throat) and a few doses of antibiotics and motrin, Aiden was on the mend.  After we got home on the day after Christmas, my parents and my brother’s family came to celebrate Christmas at our house.  Although he wasn’t feeling 100%, Aiden thoroughly enjoyed unwrapping his gifts and had a blast playing with family and his new toys.  And since he didn’t really get to enjoy any gifts Christmas morning, we’re slowly but surely making our way through each one – so Christmas keeps on coming in our house this year!

On Christmas Eve day, Pop let us and a bunch of family friends with kids ransack the Smith Center. They had low goals for the kids and everyone got to run out some energy. Court ran in place in the wrap!

Slam Dunk!

This is how Aiden spend his Christmas morning. Bruno loved every minute!

Court looking his best on Christmas Eve

"Twas the night before Christmas"

Court playing with his meerkat from Aunt Kimmie

Nap #1 on Aunt Kimmie

Nap #2 on Aunt Kimmie. Court had poor Kimmie pinned for the majority of Christmas Day!

Opening presents with The Wolford family on Monday evening.

Cousins! Aiden, Lindsay, Court, and Ryan.

Court trying on my new hat!

Aiden and Court's new wagon

Aiden's dream toy...a leaf blower. Thanks Grandma and Grandpa!

Safety first Court! (Modeling Aiden's leaf blower safety goggles)

Even though Santa brought Aiden germs this year (is that even worse than coal?), we still had a wonderful Christmas.  We hope that you were able to spend Christmas with the little ones and big ones that you love just like we did.

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