
Aiden has an obsession.  He likes to put socks and shoes on his hands.  ALL THE TIME!  Whenever he sees you putting on socks or shoes or he puts on/takes off his socks or shoes, he says, “Sock on hands” or “Shoes on hands” repeatedly until the socks or shoes are donned.  He even tries other people socks and shoes on his hands whenever they take them off.  It’s really odd and it’s becoming an obsession.  What a weirdo! Here are some photos of his strange behavior from one day.  And trust me, I’m not posting pictures from every time that he did it during this particular day…there would have been too many photos!

Here he is saying, "Crocs on hands!"

"Boots on hands"

"Blue socks on hands"

Finally he got it right...well, kind of.

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