Roly Poly

On the day before Thanksgiving, Court started rolling over!! The best part about it was that Scott, Aiden, Grandma Wolford, Grandpa Wolford, Bruno, and I all got to see it for the first time! He has only done it a few times since then but he definitely fits in at baby  camp now…he is in the “roly “poly” classroom.

Everybody needs a cheerleader sometimes!

Plan B Haircut

Just the other day, I was telling Scott how Aiden’s hair was getting so long he was pushing it out of his eyes.  Plan A:  Scott and I gave him a little trim.  Aiden looked like Lloyd Christmas from “Dumb and Dumber” after a bad haircut.  This is Plan B:

Massive poopie

Aiden has started to understand that different things have different sizes and shapes.  He like to say “big” or “little” about lots of different things.  Poopie is one of these things.  Like his father, he enjoys a little bathroom humor.

Thanksgiving and 3 months

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone out there! I am so thankful for so many things this year – amazing family, the best friends in the world, so many opportunities in this life, a husband who loves me even when I am acting crazy, and two healthy and happy little boys (and one healthy little Bruno!).  On Thanksgiving day, Court also turned 3 months old.  It is a reminder of how quickly time passes when you have little ones growing up before your eyes.  I am thankful for every second I get to share with them.

What a big boy!

So happy and silly

And a silly big brother too!


Over the weekend, Scott went to get Aiden out of his crib and this is what he saw. He has had repeat performances since then as well.  Silly boy.

Even though it doesn't look like it in this photo, he does at least have his diaper on (thankfully!)


Bruno’s PT

Many of you have been asking how Bruno’s physical therapy is progressing.  He did aquatic doggie physical therapy twice and we realized that it was not helping at all!  He refused to bear any weight on the leg while walking in the water.  He wouldn’t even use it when he was forced to swim.  It was really miserable for him and messy for us.  So we are back to doing land based PT and it seems to be much more effective overall.  He went to one doggie PT appointment and I am hoping to handle the rest on my own. But, just so you can get some laughs…


Last week, we had a surprise overnight visit from one of Scott’s college teammates, Ademola Okulaja and his wife, Michaela.  They came in town last minute and when they got here, the boys were in bed.  So when Aiden woke up, he was a little weirded out by a very tall stranger that emerged out of the bedroom that his grandparents normally stay in.  But he quickly warmed up to Ade and very very quickly warmed to beautiful Michaela.  After they left, Aiden kept going to the guest room saying, “Ade.”  We only wish they could have stayed longer!!

Aiden with Ademola...notice the reserved smile.

Aiden with Michaela...notice the huge cheesy grin. What a little flirt!

12 weeks

With Court turning 12 weeks old (on Wednesday), it was time for me, sadly, to return to work.  Although it was a bit easier for me to go back the second time around, it was still hard to leave the boys on my first day.  But they are doing great at baby camp! Court shows off his “Riverdance” everyday!  Here are some photos from the week.

When Aiden saw how I had Court bouncing on my knees, Aiden said, "airplane," grabbed Curious George, and started his own game.


What a charmer!


This photo is so cute of Aiden....


...but I also had to include the one with puppy looking at the camera.