Party party party

This past weekend, Aiden had two birthday parties to attend and we braved the crowds with two children to go to the BBQ, Blues, and Brews festival here in Charlotte.  The boys were both very well-behaved, we ate lots of yummy food and cake, and Scott and I were highly entertained the entire time.  What more can a family of 4 ask for?!

What an addition this would be to the Swine is Divine, right?!

Court wasn't so impressed with the BBQ festival. Even the wiener dog and the pig races couldn't wake him from his slumber.

At Robert and Philip's birthday party; Aiden doesn't really like ice cream (I think it's too cold) but he really likes the ice cream truck!

At Liam's birthday party. Fun in the sun.

What a little star!

P.S. In regards to the photo header of Court, I think this picture is hilarious.  Scott hates it when he crosses his eyes but I think it is adorable when he tries so hard to keep us in focus and his little eyes go all googley.  But to make Scott feel better, I just wanted to clarify, he isn’t cross-eyed all the time 🙂

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