A little obsession

Aiden is a little obsessed with trucks and buses.  If you are in the car with him and come anywhere in the vicinity of a bus, he will scream “BUS” and scare the bejesus out of you.  If you hear any type of siren, he mimics the sound at the top of his lungs and then screams “Ambulance” or “Fire truck.”  And heaven forbid you come across a construction site…you get the idea – “Dump truck” or “Bulldozer” or (my favorite) “Excavator.”  Man, you just gotta love a little boy.

Bub and Pop brought Aiden some of Scott's old diggers.  It was love at first sight.

Bub and Pop brought Aiden some of Scott's old diggers. It was love at first sight.

One thought on “A little obsession

  1. What a chip off the old block!! I remember Scott had the same fixations. I sent him a hard hat with a light on top and siren… is that still around? I’ll be on the lookout, but it was a classic.

    Love you all!!!

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