Bye bye Bright Horizons

This week is Aiden’s second week at his new baby camp.  His last day at Bright Horizons was the same day that we brought Court home from the hospital (terrible timing – poor Aiden had so much change going on all at the same time!).  I made some cupcakes for Aiden’s teachers and classmates and we had a little goodbye party to say “thank you” for all the hard work that they have done teaching, encouraging, playing with, and caring for Aiden.  We will miss them all especially his favorite teacher, Ms. Sarah, who is an amazingly patient, creative, and energetic person.  But for multiple reasons, we switched Aiden to First Presbyterian Child Development Center and we can only hope that Aiden will thrive there like he did at Bright Horizons.  And so far so good.  On his first day, Scott called me and told me that Aiden ran immediately to the playground and he wouldn’t even turn around to say goodbye to his Big One.  All the teachers keep telling me how well-adjusted Aiden is and how he never seems to meet a stranger. That’s our junior.

Aiden and I with his teachers at Bright Horizons - Ms. LaKeisha, Ms. Tamesha, and Ms. Sarah as well as his good friend Julianna

Aiden and I with his teachers at Bright Horizons - Ms. LaKeisha, Ms. Tamesha, and Ms. Sarah as well as his good friend Julianna

Aiden and his friends enjoying their cupcakes


Jules and Minerva


Saying goodbye to Ms. Jenn (one of Aiden's first teachers)

We noticed that day that Aiden was acting a little strange and was hot as fire when we went to pick him up.  When we got home, his temperature was 101.5.  I guess it was an overwhelming goodbye!  This was the scene later that evening as he made a little magic on the potty.

Have you ever seen anything more pitiful?!


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