Welcome to the World Baby Court

On Wednesday, August 24th at 12:01 pm, Court Carmichael Williams entered our lives.  Four days late but completely worth waiting for!  We named him after one of the places we love, the flat where we lived in London – Augustus Court; his middle name is Scott’s middle name – a family name on Granddaddy’s side of the family.    And now, that’s makes four of us.

As for the birth story…I started having contractions around 4pm on Tuesday while on a walk with Bruno and Aiden.  I kept thinking that I would still have a day or two to notify the grandparents to get into town because the contractions were so sporadic and so far apart (and I was in labor with Aiden for 5 days).  So we put Aiden to bed, Scott and I had a huge dinner, planned everything out for going to work the next day, and just went about our normal routine.  But by 2am, the contractions were 5 minutes apart and the hospital wanted us to come in since I had to have some penicillin at least 4 hours before the baby arrived.  After calling poor Aunt Kimmie in for back-up with Aiden (Thanks again “Aunt Mimmie”) and sending word to the Grandparents to get on the road, we headed out for the hospital. And less than 24 hours later (and thankfully without an epidural), Baby Court was in our arms.  When Dr. Matkins delivered him, he said, “You have a BIG boy!”  We were shocked at his size (weighing in at almost 2 lbs heavier than Aiden) and so relieved that he was a healthy, happy baby boy.  21.5 inches long, 8 lbs 9 oz, dark blue eyes (for now), and a little bit of dark fuzzy hair – perfect.  When he first arrived, the cord was wrapped around his neck which was a little scary but he rallied quickly and gave us a big cry. I am so thrilled for Aiden to have a little brother.   Scott and I could not feel more blessed than to have two beautiful, healthy children.

This photo will help me remember why we are stopping at two kids 🙂

Court and his Pops

Court meets his Grandma Wolford

Court and Grandpa Wolford (once we were finally home)

Aiden was so sweet when he met Court. He just kept saying "baby" whenever he looked at him. He is as gentle as he can possibly be at 19 months of age with his new baby brother.

All dressed and ready to head home from the hospital. Killer boots, man.

Our family


5 thoughts on “Welcome to the World Baby Court

  1. Welcome, Court. We can hardly wait until we can come meet you in person.

    Don’t be too hard on your older brother. He really is a nice kid, and he will have you playing basketball in no time at all.

    We love you.

    Granny and Granddaddy

  2. Love the pictures, welcome baby Court!! hope home is treatin’ y’all well. Can’t wait to see you guys one of these days. xoxo

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