A weeknight getaway

On Wednesday night after work, we headed up to Lake Norman as Christi and Addi Johnson were so kind to invite us out for an evening of boating, skiing, and playtime for the kids (Addi is such a good older friend to Aiden).  We also got to hang out on the boat with their neighbors, Dan and Lindsay, and their kids, Garson and Reece.  Aiden loved all the attention that the big kids gave him and he was much more brave in the boat with them by his side.  They were so cute, tightening up his life vest and helping him climb onto the seats of the boat.  Adorable.   It was a beautiful night with a gorgeous sunset and sailboats in the background; Scott went waterskiing, I swam, and Aiden had a smile on his face the entire time. Thanks again Christi and Addi! (I just hate I didn’t get a photo of you two!!!)

Scott, Aiden, and Garson



Aiden would absolutely not take his eyes off of Scott while he was skiing!

The Big One making it look easy.

Garson and Reece bringing in the tube for the night.


One thought on “A weeknight getaway

  1. Love all these posts and all the pics….but anxiously awaiting “THE POST”!!!!! Any day now!
    All the Best…lots of love and hugs and kisses!

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