Hanging around

Since we are Charlotte-bound until the arrival of Chuck Norris, we have been keeping busy by splashing at the pool, having a few date nights (two weeks in a row!!!), and just generally hanging out.  We also celebrated our 6 year anniversary (again – since our official dinner celebration was a few weeks ago at the Penninsula Grill in Charleston) with an anniversary lunch together at a yummy restaurant called Halcyon in Charlotte which focuses on all local growers’ produce/meat. Green and delicious!

In other news…there is no news – as far as the new baby goes.  Chuck Norris is scheduled to arrive in 5 days (yikes!).  I have always prided myself on being a decent hostess; Chuck Norris apparently agrees and is happy with life on the inside.  We’ll see if he/she is as punctual as Aiden!

John and Monica Godshall were kind enough to have us for dinner, playtime, and some outdoor fun with their sons Garrett and Luke. Thanks again for such a good evening!

Garrett is thinking: "Mom, what is this kid doing?"

Garrett again: "This kid is crazy. I'm outta here!"

What a little devil. (Taken by our favorite babysitter, Maggie)


The splash park at the Harris Y. We recently added Aiden to our Y membership (for a whopping 50 cents extra) to take advantage of their fabulous pool!

Chuck Norris and me in all of our glory. Scott says that I should remember this times because at least I have skinny ankles when I am 9 months pregnant!



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