“Hi baby”

We have less than two weeks until “Chuck Norris” (aka the new baby…named so because we are convinced that he or she is going to kick our butts upon arrival) makes his or her debut into the Williams household.  We have been doing our best to try to explain to Aiden what is going to happen.  If you ask him where the baby is, he points to my stomach.  When he names everyone in the family, he points to my stomach and says “Baby.”  He thinks my popped out belly button is hilarious and will gently pat my tummy and say cut things like “Hi baby.”  So on some level, I hope that he gets it.

Then again, the other day, when I picked him up at baby camp, the kids were all playing with baby dolls.  When Aiden saw me, he spiked his baby doll like a football and came running to me.  So, we may still have our work cut out for us.

Talking to the new baby

Hugging the baby belly

So sweet! A kiss for the baby

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